Thursday, July 31, 2008, 7:05 PM
long post

hey hai this week alot things are happening so yeah. heha. today i learnt alot like. its time i look at things in a different angle. like instead of complaining do something. then chinese lesson i learn that we humans should see ppl's good point and learn from it rather than sneering at others mistake. hahah. and i really was angry at mr chia and junwei the whole morning then i realise, if holly wants to be responsible, she should go and find out the events poping out rather then wait for someone to tell u i guess thats one part of true responsiblity. and always find ppl to get things done dun wait for them to come. so yeah. so firstly we are going to plan with her for the events of next week or upcoming events. then we slowly assign people. today i remembered something that junwei and sharie told me. when me and heni were discouraged in the whole ambassador thing(LAST TIME) : we should take it one step at a time. and from each steps u learn and gain something that others wont actually feel it/understand it. so everyone out there have faith kay? and i'm aborting the torturing mission. mission now is save infocom! hahah. make sure we get a freaking gold and show to other school. that ........... is not a bad school afterall! =DD oh p.s:will be blogging less and going online once a week. must study le. i very very scared. no time to play play. and to ppl really close to me:'im ur good friend rite? so if got any trouble tell me kay? i'll try my best to help u. TAKE CARE U ALL =DD

Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 10:53 PM

hahha so yeah helping holly out i know shes stress so yeah i'm her little helper hee =D and to all infocom members: u join infocom better help out ah! so everyone has a part to play kay? so feeling really happy that i can help out someone instead of sitting back and complain like some market auntie =.=

10:11 PM

oh btw. to faris and liwei my two favourite parents:I LOVE U TWO THANKS FOR BEING THERE TO CHEER ME OON IN LIFE AND MAKING MY DAY BETTER TAKE CARE U TWO! AND GOOD LUCK IN UR EXAM =DD... btw.dun so serious abt the lousy parents thing la. its nothing de.

9:55 PM

as u can see in the pic is heni and joni's. so yeah oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUANNIE!hope u had a great surprise and fun in torturing ANGEL and KWANG CHUNG hahah heehee lol take care! hee and STUDY HARD so about today? fun actually after those boring lessons we had course and all so wee. and oh shit. i left my hwk in sch.DIE. okay during course. did hwk and do funny things hahah then weijian told me to find vcd for movies on friday. so is step up 2 fine?idk.yeah then went for c2 and me and guanan was posing to the speaker and he really was shocked to see us posing for him so yeah hahah.then kwang chung was like:'wah u see other sch? some msging like mad,while some over there doing their own things and got some even worse think this is their home go take off their socks.' and we cracked up at the socks part funny sei! we went rivervalleyhigh btw.good sch man we all so pai seh! then after that we celebrate guanan's b'day lala. happily went home. lol just bathe ate dinner and finished PART of my hwk. hahha blogging now. hee =DD

11:03 AM

Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 9:23 PM

ok things are very weird..and 3eb is a fan of ................hahah funny sey! and 3ea is a fan of.................

7:26 PM

i hate .............and........... who do they think they are? go die la.make ppl do things that u're suppose to do. what? i ur fuck? asshoe no life JERKS! go die go die.i hope u DIE AND NEVER SURFACE AGAIN!

7:24 PM

btw i cant believe i have to be responsible for someone who is irresponsible. dun get it? erm. ask nicely see whether my mood good =D.ARGH!FUCK LA

7:12 PM

horrible.curse puck face all the way hahah.then then when home saw wyn -.- then chatting now. and i really hatemy sch's fuck sey! everytime like that very annoying man! i hate it i hate it i hate it. Fuck those bastards! okay feel so much better. hah..MOOD NOT GOOD so dun irritate/annoy/frustrate/anger me. thank you =DD

12:01 AM

OH i remember something today,before the start of chem spa. mr ng(the sci guy hu have a mole on his forehead) told us that the solar cooker is infested with maggots me and sudhanshi were digusted and he even describe what the maggots were doing GROSS -.-

Monday, July 28, 2008, 11:52 PM

HENi versus my daily packing routine hahah lol read read!:
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake. says:
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake. says:
i packing soon
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake. says:
then slp!
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake. says:

shattered memory says:
shattered memory says:
i pack bag in the morning
shattered memory says:
then forget alot of things
shattered memory says:
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake. says:
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake. says:
u funny and weird seh
shattered memory says:
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake. says:

SO I WIN! YESS haha lame yeah i know shut up!

6:08 PM

anyway today's plan failed so this week's plan is that
  • i bring heni out for cheesecake
  • get more summer fest. tickets
  • commence the 'bully fina' project by guan nan heres the futher planing:

tuesday:joni suggested we act as if shes dead so yeah

wednesday:we just scream at her as if shes a monster haha.

thursday:we will be like invisble to her

friday:he kick i throw empty bottles at her from behind.

COnclusion: to make her repent in forgetting us and hopefully she doesnt

  • must STUDY!
  • give tuition to my two special ppl
  • post more photos (need go into school storage to get heni's and shok and joni's photos)
  • 'ANGEL is going down'project..coming soon.. hahha shhhhhhh
  • bring health booklet for tmr!IMPORTANT =DD


5:14 PM

back from home anyway gonna finish up my hwk soon hahah. today was suey and funny. chem spa was was like totally wreck..we suppose to use two different solutions and i ended up using one which made a joke by my friends and teachers lor. then when lab then atwell and heni and junwei and wei kiat there and i talked to atwell then heni super quiet i dunno what to do sia..cause (CANNOT SAY) then i really want to apologise to her but dunno how ba. then i went out of the room talk to sudhanshi and atwell then went out of sch,liwei mummy forced me go home with her so yeah home le..never celebrate eugene's b'day..sorry ppl! =C

12:08 AM
another day

today not so bad ba.. for me i dunno.. just feeling sensitive..hmm. i know God will find the way..but i just keep doubting him from time to time.anyway this song strengthen me..anyway this is just the lyrics enjoy! =DD
Don't want to stand here and shout Your praise
And walk away and forget Your name
I'll stand for you if it's all I do
Cause there is none that compares to You
Cause all I want in this lifetime is You
And all I want in this whole world is you, you, you
Tell the world that Jesus lives
Tell the world that, tell the world that
Tell the world that he died for them
Tell the world that he lives again
No longer I but Christ in me
Cause it's the truth that set me free
How could this world be a better place?
But by thy mercy and by thy grace
Cause all I want in this lifetime is You
And all I want in this whole world is you
Tell the world that Jesus lives
Tell the world that, tell the world that
Tell the world that he died for them
Tell the world that he lives again
C'mon, c'mon we'll tell the world about You
Tell the world that
Tell the world thatC'mon, c'mon we'll tell the world about You
Tell the world that
Tell the world About You
title:tell the world that-hillsongs

Sunday, July 27, 2008, 9:30 AM

will post more pics on monday hahahah =DD

1:52 AM

((most top))EUGENE! the b'day boy.(below gene's pic)BRI and her bestie(aka:victoria secret's gf.)((above)):ANIELA! yesterday's b'day girl hahah

1:46 AM

(top):jue ying caught for eating chicken wing!=DD(above):Zi gui and his new hair cut!=DD

1:42 AM

introduction to the people of my life (top):ME!(above):GARY!

1:10 AM

hello. okay lets talk about heni hahah lol.
She likes cheesecake.THE END.
lol.hahaha hee hoho. okay that was irritating..she is a very nice person likes to do funny things hahah. really. hard to take care. stubborn and likes love bunny(COPY CAT) the end..i'm post our past convo in msn,
this includes me heni and joni about what i had for dinner:
1:05:58 AM
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake
:she still eating i guess

1:06:05 AM
heni not slping?

1:06:27 AM
(R) taken away:
1:06:28 AM
(R) taken away:
1:06:32 AM
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake.:
1:06:40 AM
back ah
1:06:42 AM
what u ate
1:06:44 AM
1:06:47 AM
(R) taken away:curry
1:06:51 AM
(R) taken away:then duck
1:06:56 AM
(R) taken away:then rice lor
1:07:10 AM
Jonathan.;D:curry duck rice?
1:07:10 AM
1:07:11 AM
1:07:16 AM
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake.:

1:07:21 AM
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake.:it sounded weird
1:07:48 AM
(R) taken away:
1:08:11 AM
Jonathan.;D:she like mah
1:08:17 AM
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake.:lols
1:08:24 AM
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake.:if she like it then its ok bahh?
1:08:40 AM
1:08:43 AM
(R) taken away:duck with rice
1:08:46 AM
(R) taken away:then add curry
1:08:49 AM
(R) taken away:very weird
1:08:52 AM
Jonathan.;D:curry duck rice
1:08:54 AM
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake.:duck curry rice?
1:08:55 AM

(R) taken away:but kana force to eat
1:08:58 AM
(R) taken away:so no choice
1:08:59 AM
heni. bbunnyeatcheesecake.:==

12:20 AM

Another of gene's favourite character...he likes red ranger and i prefer green ranger lol..go power rangers go! then something something hahah another dedication to gene lol sleep well! hahah =DD

12:11 AM

This is dedicated to our 14year-old gene hahah i know u still like barney dun you.. you went for his concert rite? hahah..just kidding.. don't serious kay? lol have fun man! be good! or be barney lol =.=

Saturday, July 26, 2008, 11:55 PM

Right now i wanna complain about heni.. she is abusing blogs.. first she murdered her second blog and now she told me she created a blog to test the skins lol...she is therefore a BLOG BULLY! counting down with gene to his birthday haha.HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! YOU ONLY HAVE ONE DAY GENE! TREASURE IT! AND HOPE U HAVE MANY MANY GREAT HAPPENINGS FOR THE WHOLE DAY GOOD ONE OF COURSE! HAHA LALA! TAKE CARE! STUFF UR FACE WITH CAKE OKAY? HAH =DD

11:44 PM

This is done by an english garffiti eh his name is BANKSY..and the funny thing is angelina jolie and brad buys his works lol..(thats for guan nan and desiree to understand) haha. =D anyway really inspired by him.. hope u like his art too. haha =DD

10:47 PM
another post

hahah. i realise if you sleep in the afternoon u get super weird dreams lol.second post and counting i still havent find the perfect blogskin and all. and i keep telling joni i want to study but i ended up napping lol =.= hahah. then heni asked me out for CHEESECAKE! yay but i didnt ordered cheesecake talk about funny things then i send her home..WHY DO I LIKE TO SEND PPL HOME? i dunno man hahah she told me not to lean on the wall which i dunno why then took 16 back filled with old ppl =.= lol then atwell told me she still at AMK lol..then came home and drank mum's tom yum soup..cold but nice hahah =DD thats it ba.. nothing much today.

Friday, July 25, 2008, 9:36 PM
just saying something

haha really nothing to do so blog.Must cut down on my'lor' and'la'
hahah like singing man.
today ah..not so bad ba...lessons was really boring then lalala after school le.
Asked hen and guanan and the memory loss person to buy cake for joni so lala
they celebrate without me =.=
then then i went com lab talk and talk until dun wan go cca so we bluff my cher and
we crap and crap till he lets us go yay! had dinner and lunch
with jem ern maid and joni then talk crap till go home lol


Hi, i'm Danah and i am minute, so tall people always squishes me, darn them!



Layout: Yeling

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Niki wiki!
ERNNIE(my boy-boy)
JErEmY! the smallie
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  1. July 2008
  1. August 2008
  1. September 2008
  1. October 2008
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  1. June 2009