Sunday, August 31, 2008, 8:52 PM

i realise i'm lagging in tags lol heh! i wanna post something but idk leh. anyway going to stay up late and i wont be in the living room le using my bro's room to study hee since he went army le. i wonder tonight who will be online late other than gary hee XDD. kor mummy and raffles pei wo leh! hee.

11:03 AM

monday: etto not sure leh. wait we had early dismissal at 12.45 then jem gave me a letter to give him.and i panick when i saw joni loitering at the staff room.i was like "EH?!?! they end so early?" i was like argh crap. then hurry go find faris i saw walking at the side of the canteen i rush down then he disappeared but luckily found mummy! phew and kor finally popped out.then heni too. then we stared at mr tan and mr d.tan talking to each other like dancing sia so we laugh laugh,then after that heni abandoned us argh! and joni too cause he wanted to play basketball.grr.when to blk16 with parents and kor and ma bought fruits to make us have a balanced meal -.- REALLY LIKE MOTHER SIA! hahah then when ma's house to study hit something then everyone laughed at me argh! i like ma's mum the coffee NICE XDD then sent kor home he scare me sia. pop his stupid head at the lift ARGH! then i scream hee.and daddy said he heard a laughter and all before we went up then went we going down i grip on daddy's hand and he was like'ehhh..wait wait' then move here and there then i grab again then i was like 'can i sing church song?'then he was like'ehhh...wait wait' hahah then finally went down.HENG ah nothing happened thanks daddy for ur patience hahahah then he showed me a scary photo sia la! =.= then wait for his bus wait until go home at 7plus le.
Tuesday: ehh...something did happen i suppose to end at 245 but mr tan came in and i had a-maths remedial sia. then quickly finish the work and went to find mummy.then wait for sudhanshi cause she wants me to pei her to buy stuff for teacher's day ma. so yeah go here and there then came home at 630 damn tired that i slept didnt online the whole day(i think) ba hahha.
Wednesday: etto... hmmm.. nothing happened?oh got we all find heni to go and eat with us then must forced her alot then went mac then crap sent ppl hom(this day lazy to post leh cause i already wrote alot in my previous post go find if u interested kay?)
Thursday:EMO DAY XDD
FridayHORRIBLE(go see previous post too XDD)
Saturday: erm nothing ba hee! XDD just that mummy play psp really 30cm distance sia hhahah
Sunday: just ate lunch at 10plus =.= going to study soon hee

10:52 AM

studied till 220am Gary pei wo! yeah! thanks man XD talked to several ppl,like zg.gene.nigel.wyn. thats abt it? they're like the only ones that i know is online the rest like dunno so dun talk with them.hahaaha at first scary to study i heard someone singing at the end of this block and i was super scared la. so i grab my phone and start playing music.=.=then when joni.mummy and guanan start to leave the convo i damn scared sia. then my upstair neighbour got noise like someone moving the furniture, i really very scared but luckily nothing much really happen just heard noises and someone singing(maybe its some dunkard at the playground downstairs at my hse.) idk la. when my kor came back home i super relieved sia.then i study awhile more and went to sleep i would like to THANK GARY FOR PEI-ING WO XDD

Saturday, August 30, 2008, 9:01 PM

okay backie,SUPPOSE TO GO JROCK! but in the end never go.oh man i wanna see whether anyone got perform anna's songs. oh well. not fated ba XDD.i was out when heni told me she still having tuition so lol emo around bedok inter hahah then went hen's block there emo for 1/2 an hour and she finally popped out,so we rush to guannie's house (planning to go jrock) to make our hair hahah but cannot go up his house because his __________were ___________ -.- so yeah played at the playground until we no mood to go Jrock le hahah. so decided to go mummy's hse since it was nearby,so we went to get our dinner + lunch and hopped over to ma's hse. play play watched tv then makan.hahahha then we went to find guanan's addicted song and hunt like siao until we found it. its ADDICTED-SAVING ABEL (kor better rmbr ah!) he said the lyrics got something under sheets then we all =.= and joni was the only one chatting with mummy we helped changed kor's blogskin change until very JIALAT. then kor's soul flying all over mummy's hse hahahah until we finally solve it and then his soul at first stuck at the fan then later float back to his body and we sent heni home,on the bus we crap like siao then we took afew pics at hen's lift there hahah then took bus 31 with kor we talked abt our pri sch friends and our life there and funny thing is that i only rmbred our fun days with them sia. XD i miss YINHUI!XIANGMING!NICK!JEAN!GUYAN!HILLARY!JOSHUA!POH!JIA XUAN! and many more (cant rmbr the names i guess :p.MISS U ALL SIA! XDD oh my friendster damn jialat no pics only got 3comments and 4 friends XDD hahah sian rite? talking to joni,mummy and heni now heni cleaning the room lol. gonna study till 1am tonight hahah XDD lols.

Friday, August 29, 2008, 6:54 PM

to was horrible + fun
we had hall then the sec3s and 4s go back class while me, guannie,jem all like stay behind to take videos of the sec1 and sec2, kor taught us the chicken dance and we were like crazy in the p.a. room. ran around to take videos which was fun la. XD ate oreo by the oreo man (kor) XD.then the lower sec were shooed away and all the upper sec arrived so again took videos. i laughed at benson cause he super enthu! hahhaha so i took videos of him dancing lol, anyway then took around did the thingy with holly,suchada,kor and jem.Kor jem and holly like pushing each other while me and suchada dance at one spot =.=(dun ask how) anyway we like damn tired after that then we help set up for the teacher's day performance and me and jem help a while then we started singing.sorry wei kiat =.= after that went com lab to go find any extra batt or what and then look at all the sec 1 photos,azmi and steven super round and we kept laughing hahah.After that back to doing duty,my cam only got half bar of batt so i gave up dunno what to do. finding a nice performance then i take then dunno what happen le.then P.A. got problem (no comment) dunwan say anything la but super angry with _________and many ppl.heni angry with ___________and kor angry with ___________. then we at the corridor complaining and all.Then after that had lesson, so went for it and the lesson over so fast O.oll then went com lab with jem.then see our sec 3 camp pics! funny! mummy called me to eat so i ask heni along,but she bad mood and i also bad mood so accompany each other and didnt go lol.oh actually wanted to go back pri sch but end super late sia ARGH!i miss nick!yinhui!hillary!xiang ming! and many more XD so so etto. hear alot of mr brown show laugh alot. saw the jap exchange programme,then we saw wyn once again.we all laugh at his blur face. and we saw ern at first smiling then later the face very serious and we cracked up hahah.saw mummy and daddy when they were sec 1 so cute sia.
hmm what else? oh saw my result slip not bad ba? 3 fail hahah =.= still bad rite? aiya working hard tonight but i want ppl to pei me or else i scared sia hahah XD
thats the end i guess after all that went home and sudhanshi told me something happy XD yeah love you lots :D

Thursday, August 28, 2008, 9:11 PM

and i realise when i lookie at the time it always says 9.11am lol.WhatTheFish? anyway today:
Chinese: fought the classroom with mummy,but we realise the teacher no come,so chey! everyone went to ea and we crap and read compos,hahha
Geog: i dun really understand ms kong but i kinda get it oh well.
English: teacher no come yesh! WOOhOO! hhaha so we crap again? hahah fun btw.
Recess: ran from ea to eb then ea to eb again hahah.wrote a letter to zhanghao again,XD really nothing to do sia =.=
E-maths:Erms, not much forced to do work and talked with sudhanshi thats it ba?
Phys: a funny incident happened,jem said: zhao xian zhao xian,and sam went'where where?' and mr tan got fed and said"why? u see ronald going down the stairs then u want to follow is it? u want to go down now?' i was laughing the loudest hahah mr tan's lesson fun sia haha.and we got our books,the bind has two colours and afew likes the yellow but the yellow only got three so they busy fighting and i just say'aiya give me anything' then mr tan started back"i give u anything then" and he never give me the book argh! until i asked him for it then he gave it to me.LoLs.
then backie home for the thingy saw ernnie at the canteen hahah and in the morning too.
etto.nothing much lez hee nites ppl XD

Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 7:20 PM

hello, alamak i post alot then all dunno what happen =.= wah lao! anyway today was FUN! get to see _______'s smile anyway talk about the lessons
hall: nothing ba
chinese: des got 100 for her test i wacked her hahah!
E-maths: walked around the school to measure stufff saw mummy and the GW that fucking jerk! hmph and saw....hehe
A-maths: okay ba did exercises and got hwk sian!
Recess: wrote letters to my two tall ppl hahhaha
Geog: free period,chatted with cyn and sudhanshi! XD fun!
Chem: did worksheet and talked to nitipat! He told us many things and read our palms and said my boyfriend very ugly,sudhanshi's one not bad,fina's one handsome! lol then we played with him he so cute sia.
after school, went to find mummy and she really there then go find heni and sayang her also force her go makan together hahahXD went mac and joni told super cold jokes. lol anyway get separated from heni,then we walked to the busstop see no bus then we walked futher down and halfway i ran cause 14 was coming,and then i stopped running cause the rest like never run sia! and the bus 13 uncle tot i was running for his bus and stopped halfway and he ask me to quickly board i was like oO? har? then i just reject him he looks angry =.= then went the bus stop,joni and daddy saw someone kissing on the bus and then 10 came and joni disappeared then we board 14 and daddy and mummy doing something so i slept hahahha then sent mummy off and bought pens and then sent kor off we saw kai xiang hahha and then kena scared by kor twice le,daddy said i scream very loud,then met up with mummy and she went ntuc to get her lunch,i offered her beer and daddy said i miss the 'view' NOOOooooOOOOo! argh and then went home while mummy and daddy stuck together heh! btw,BENNIE AND PENGIE! when u all want ur remedial ah?

Monday, August 25, 2008, 9:56 PM

hahah today was fun, time was slow during lessons then after that go find mummy daddy kor and dajie, we all saw mr tan and mr tan dancing and we were like laughing like siao,then i passed __'s letter to him,lol then dajie and raffles abandon us.went to makan with parents and kor laughed at the panda auntie XD.Then study at mama's house her mummy fixed my skirt! yeah! love u and thank you xp. hee.we study and doodle study and doodle and snackie.until we went home sent guannie home,then wait at my bus stop made me miss two buses then my parents abandon me,no la is i tell them go or else they will be home late and all and took 67 i forget can take sia. since so empty and all so i take lor hahah.back home type like siao for reagan's compo =.= thats it le?

Sunday, August 24, 2008, 8:49 PM

okay overview of this week

Monday: er..cant rmbr leh! okay it was super cold cause it rained hahah

Tuesday: wasnt happy with mummy and daddy they very er...and i told heni the problem and all haha and went mac with kor,holly and parents thats it?

Wednesday: starting to love parents me and kor accompany daddy while he waits for mummy and we all went parkway or we did not? dun rmbr leh! hahah wait we did and went to penyet place and we met our uncle and auntie and their some daughter and our parents abandon us and we were stuck with the horny uncle and all and we went to find____'s house lor but failure la. hahah.uncle smelt like woman's perfume and auntie smell's like man's perfume and daughter was terrified cause both of them like american pie.WEIRD

Thursday: erm had a party for onion man his last day! and we all helped zaidan sell his tickets and all so yeah FAREWELL ONIONESS! we miss u XD

Friday: boring and funny? hmm couldnt meet onion man,he came at 3plus and i had np NOoooOOOoo,he bought me cheesefries which i havent touch yet still in the lab EWW. and we had to stop selling tickets need to refund le.

Saturday: grounded the whole freaking day talked to the four walls then watch tv, stuck at home doing nothing

TODAY: hmm got study la but slacked from 5plus to now hahhaha lol XD

3:02 PM

anyway gonna delete my blog soon and start my emo-ing days hhahaha so yeah no more hyper woman in action le.hahha anyway i dun hate my friends la i love them just that they always never tell me anything it makes me feel like an idiot leh.wait i am an idiot anyway tmr onwards commiting my life towards God and my studies and other stuff, i cant give myself crappy results already so yeah going to work hard and push myself real hard,oh btw, i dun give a fuck to anyone if they dun care abt their life.

Saturday, August 23, 2008, 10:36 PM

sometimes i wonder what type of friends do i have? ppl who dun tell me their problems what the hell then i ur friend for? u dun tell me ur problems how to help u sia. really. what type of friends do i really have

10:17 PM

This was my fate, giving in
To your lips, To your eyes
i should have known it would come back to haunt me
Crooked smile, a reflection in your eyes
That shows my weakness for Beautiful mistakes
Something that I know you've seen before
I'm not the firstSet the trap, I'm falling for it every time
I can't believe, everyone knew from the start
This would come back to haunt me
I can't stand to see you now
How could I ever trust youI'll Take it back to the streets
I'll start again
I'll never look back
I'll never look back, back
How do you feel? I bet you don't feel anything
Don't have a heart attackdon't have a heart attack
But I won't stop youflying high, razor blades make perfect lines
on just about anything you want
Broken pores spill out everything you want to say
it shows my weakness for falling in love with
my wallowing despair that shines in black
It consumes me, I'll take it back
i'll build it back to what it was
I can't believe Everyone you told this to
This would come back to haunt me
I can't stand to see you now
How could I ever trust you
I'll Take it back to the streets
I'll start again
I'll never look back
I'll never look back, back
How do you feel?
I bet you don't feel anything
Don't have a heart attack
don't have a heart attack
But I won't stop you
Everyone you promised to
This would come back to haunt me
I can't stand to see you now
How could I ever trust you
Cut me out, of your life
Like its nothing (Like I'm nothing)
Make believe you can love
that it's better, that you're better
Part of me is gone,you've taken
You've takenYou've taken
You've taken
Part of me is gone,you've taken
You've taken
pieces from me
I'll Take it back to the streets
I'll start again
I'll never look back
I'll never look back, back
How do you feel? I bet you don't feel anything
Don't have a heart attack
don't have a heart attack
But I won't stop you
You won't stop, you'll never change
You won't stop, you'll never change

9:55 PM

hello didnt went anywheere today cause i got grounded for being home late yesterday mama wasnt in a good mood -.-anyway did nothing yesterday was really harsh and all. no comments le haha.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 10:02 PM

haha today was funny and i realise i still love my family. and i guess it was my stupid thinking that dragged me down alot hahhaha i still love u KOR,DAJIE,MUMMY AND DADDY! and thanks atwell for that beautiful encouragement :D i love u all :'D

Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 9:58 PM

i really need to disown my family(for the time being) cant take responsibilities anymore today i am and was emotionally unstable and not feeling well. ARGH.i feel so irritated at my family ppl argh and HIM too. damn it la. i really emotionally unstable i shall go do something to satisfy myself.-.-

8:26 PM

really not happy the more i think the more i not happy cause argh! i really hate them i hate them i hate them i hate them

Sunday, August 17, 2008, 1:09 AM

hello hahahahha oh yinhui sent me a letter how sweet and it feels like she changed(not alot) and yeah maybe its time i change too? stop being crazy? and start getting serious,cause when someone cries i will joke with that person to make her(most of the time) laugh hahah. maybe i should be more comforting? more fillal to my parents? be more discipline towards myself? i dunno so many funny things in my head hahah,and yeah to love and honour God i'm been lacking in doing that. really feel like running away from everything just wished that i can really find a place with friends and enjoy myself somewhere far from everything......

Thursday, August 14, 2008, 10:12 PM

hurray! the giant was defeated! And thanks to the success victory of the siblings! :)
hope u like the story credits to my beloved mummy,liwei =DD for giving me the pics and for our handsome warrior, guannie and our sweet girl,heni for taking part =DD

10:09 PM

And also with the help of the so-called 'papaya sisters' to defeat the giant with our big smiles =DD

10:08 PM

Guannie attacks giant with his only shoes that comfort his feet.

HAI-YA!(of cause with the support of danah's finger)

10:06 PM

*Gasps* a giant! towering over a happy family

10:05 PM

when suddenly (Danah looks up)

10:02 PM

laughing and talking crap....
lying down on a nice patch of grass...

9:40 PM

HEE THREE MORE SUBJECTS!i can actually do amaths although i was slow T.T and chem was creepy hahah, after that when to lunch/dinner with lovely parents and rafflie!(skipped p___) hee and we laugh like siao(okay only my parents laugh like siao) STEVEN ALWAYS BULLY MY PARENTS!must scold him,hmph. Then ern called joni and then he told ern that he is out with us and i guess heni heard that and we all were like "EH?!?!? heni in school? i tot she go home le?" then she came over and we chat chat till 650+ and when home separated from heni first then joni. then daddy wanted to send mummy home and i tag along hee >.< 2 special 'VIEWS' hee so cute sia and btw DADDY ITS OLD LOVE NOT CLASSIC LOVE. admit that u're old hahah =DD and theres another family outtie! so ppl:bunny/sister/auntie,guannie and raffles come ah! =]

Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 10:53 PM

force to go online because mummy miss me lol. really no mood i cant even laugh going to fail tmr really going to.and nowadays i cant even sleep dunno why i keep thinking at night and today i really so damn tired. T.T and theres a sv gathering again!??! wha i cannot already la,i want to die le la. hai ya DIE DIE DIE oh man..very tired super 11 and i havent touch my stupid chem book actualy i did and i dunno what i did to it T.T

Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 9:39 PM

back suppose to revise and do hwk but i lazy =.=ll i really hate common test hai ya,and i cant really see mummy cause she ends earlier then us NOoooooOOOOOOOOoooo! and me and guannie have to take care of daddy while mummy is yeah! heard that daddy?!?!? hee =DD.And i like sitting at the back of the class cooling man. OH,AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEM! hahah dun so emo la=DD.okay then went home with Amos he told me __________ *****____________ hee so funny. lol anyway want to know rite? dun ask me -.-'' hahah i love yesterday bullying daddy and mummy and everyone was sick =.=ll cause we never do enough tai chi? hahahah :p hahah

Sunday, August 10, 2008, 11:02 PM

Fari$ 'cesc' says:
daddy or mummy?
caged child says:
*snobb away from mummy*
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
can i hug too ?
- l i w e i - says:
- l i w e i - says:
caged child says:
*stare at both parents*
caged child says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
can i hugg the 3 of you?
caged child says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
mum, dad && guanan
- l i w e i - says:
yes to heni
- l i w e i - says:
no to danah
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
Fari$ 'cesc' says:
okok ..can both ..
caged child says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
cos danah crying
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
i wan hug everybody =D
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
later the thingy kena me
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
so i dun wanna hug her
- l i w e i - says:
okay danah .. save your tears
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
lets play
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
caged child says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
*krwarggghhh puiii*
caged child says:
THOUGHTS: stinky sei
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
- l i w e i - says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
danah bully me
caged child says:
*spits out heni's smelly feet*
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
am ur youngest + newset born baby lei! how come ppl can bully me
caged child says:
*jumps on mummy and kiss her*
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
caged child says:
*purr on mummy's head*
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
den me leii?
caged child says:
- l i w e i - says:
caged child says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
can add me again? cos my this conver seems something wrong
- l i w e i - says:
go take care of ur baby sister
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
- l i w e i - says:
both crying SO noisy !

heni. lalala : DD 020808- has left the conversation.

the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
chomps on danah head off*
caged child says:

heni. lalala : DD 020808- has been added to the conversation.

caged child says:
THOUGHTS: i where got cry? i attcking ppl
- l i w e i - says:
danah .. must love ur baby sister ..
caged child says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
bites danah and inject venom
caged child says:
THOUGHTS : i lick her already!
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
she cannot move
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
- l i w e i - says:
hahas ..
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
slithers and hugg everyone
caged child says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
caged child says:
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
Fari$ 'cesc' says:
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
newborn can fight ==
- l i w e i - says:
"mummy took 5 canes & buddle it up starring at danah"
Fari$ 'cesc' says:
continue ..(watching free show)
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
brain said: YAY! hurray for ME!
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
Jonathan ;D says:
Fari$ 'cesc' says:
caged child says:
*danah disappears*
- l i w e i - says:
daddy .. dont watch free show .. help meee
caged child says:
*stratches heni's head and disappeared*
- l i w e i - says:
eh ?
Fari$ 'cesc' says:
haha to help ??(:
caged child says:
*kick guannie and scoots off*
- l i w e i - says:
stop danah from fighting
Fari$ 'cesc' says:
ok ..
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
Fari$ 'cesc' says:
SHUT UP !!!!
- l i w e i - says:
why hit ur brother ?
caged child says:
*tickles daddy's armpit and run away*
Fari$ 'cesc' says:
HAHA funny
- l i w e i - says:
caged child says:
*kiss mummy and hides*
- l i w e i - says:
- l i w e i - says:
daddy's angry ..
Fari$ 'cesc' says:
still can laugh ..fine u settle urself ..huh ..
- l i w e i - says:
AH !
caged child says:
- l i w e i - says:
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
mom angry le
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
dan u die die
caged child says:
Jonathan ;D says:
hoho statue stoning
- l i w e i - says:
caged child says:
caged child says:
- l i w e i - says:
caged child says:
- l i w e i - says:
you so gonna get scolded already " staring at danah "
caged child says:
*turns away*
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
brain said: stupid danah! ARRGHH! my feet got the bite markk!! TT_TT *ssobs*
caged child says:
*laughs at heni
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
heni got
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
athletes feet
heni. lalala : DD 020808- says:
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
the Mad Hatter,a soul full of insanity&sapience. says:
got fungi

9:23 PM

kay this is from a manga, called DOLLS its nice lol about murder crimes and our personal thinking? idk hahaha go look up..its nice! =DD

8:14 PM

TO all who loves my ernny and wants to find out more about him..HERE his personality hahah =D:
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on educationYou may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

12:49 AM

  1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
  2. You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
  3. You strictly follow rules, and you expect other people to be the same as well. People can get tired of you easily, as you can make them feel a little guilty about themselves. You always make decisions on your own, and can be dismissive of other people's advice. You like to be the leader in groups, but can forget to be concerned about the people you are with.
  4. Guys see you as being a thinker and a careful person. They will be really attracted to this quality in you, but you need to learn to speak your mind, otherwise people will find you too shy and quiet. Learn to relax and lighten up--it's okay to have fun sometimes. When you learn to develop your fun-loving side, guys are going to flock to your side.
  5. Your boyfriend thinks that you are a real doll but this is not a totally positive thing. Sometimes you can be a bit too sweet, and come across as being helpless. If you're like this too frequently, your boyfriend and other people are likely to get tired of you having to rely on them all the time-thats me =DD

12:46 AM

thats me =D:

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education

You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Saturday, August 9, 2008, 11:48 PM

Straitjacket Feeling
Back me down from backing up
Hold your breath now it's stacking up
Etched with marks, but I can deal
And you're the problem and you can't feel
Try this on, straightjacket feeling
so maybe I won't be alone
Take back now, my life you're stealing

Yesterday was hell
But Today I'm fine without you
Runaway this time without you
And all I ever thought you would be,
That face is tearing holes in me again

Trust you is just one defense
Off a list of others, you don't make sense
Beg me time and time again
to take you back now, but you can't win
Take back now, my life you're stealing

Yesterday was hell
But Today I'm fine without you
Runaway this time without you
And all I ever thought you would be
That face is tearing holes in me,

but today I'm fine without you
Runaway this time without you
And all the things you put me through
I'm holding on by letting go of you

And when that memory slips away
There will be a better view from here
And only lonesome you remains
and just the thought of you I fear
grip falls away

Yesterday was hell
But Today I'm fine without you
Runaway this time without you
And all I ever thought you would be
That face is tearing holes in me,

but today I'm fine without you
Runaway this time without you
And all the things you put me through
I'm holding on by letting go of yo

7:21 PM

hey, nothing much today trying my best to study..hahahah...its already 723pm and i still waiting for the pics that KX promised to send today. I WANT THE PICS hahhahaa. really nothing happened hahahah and hey! everyone is making my mummy theirs HANDS OFF! hee. mummy is me and guanan's and heni's and daddy's one! so dun touch!=p shoo oh and my two sisters one and shani. haha. really bored back to studying again bye =DD

Friday, August 8, 2008, 10:24 PM

i cant take it i really hate__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
and i got lots of list of complaints about _____________________________________________________________________________________ but must love la, love love love love love love.
okay hee

9:12 PM

something funny happened. someone took a pic of my house corridor and sent to my neigbours and maybe to us and told us of they need help is proper disposal if items everyone laugh so funny out of no where got pics of the corridor hahahha

8:35 PM

  • hee so happy about today cause got lots of things to say. Start with me waiting for the bus board the bus and was feeling like some small thing struggling with a big shirt lol and the shirt size is XL.
  • heni can fit but i cannot, alamak!so sit sit. till hong hong talked to me then she complain she go sch too early so we decided to drop at esso there. we saw fina and shana at the bus stop infront of school. then we drop off at esso stare at the time:715 ...then stare at each other..then walk back saw jiwon then lala talked to fina and shana and went off for duty which i got kicked out for the first half of the duty.
  • then we got one ndp parade thing by and npcc. cannot see well everyone too tall =.= then just pass impact around haha then we all sing our national athem very loudly and when they ending the parade jana smack my butt like alot of times and that time i say:EH MY IMPACT and guanan laugh lol.
  • dunno how to say why.then we hee hee till duty time. played with the mcs which is nadrah(i hope i spell correctly.)then katherine and sudhanshi.jem then snap photos of them.ran around cause i hate the backstage so warm! then got perfomance then P.A. got problem again. hai ya! take videos here and there then FINALLY can take a break. HAI YO! hee and mr chia scolded us and then holly said 'hurtful' things to heni and we all were like -.- then me and guanan all finding ms yong cause she 'stole' the lappy and in the end everything finish then after a while got job again. take videos of the games by the time we do it all the games gone only got ppl playing basketball so take video lor. then i kept talking during the video got my voice hahah.then nigel say he will get justus for me i was like..?? then then i 'force' him to help me take video. while we solve the ms nur problem take super long to persuade des to give ms nur the card then when to get the video back.. no batt le.then throw back to the infocom room and guanan went back to his pri sch.
  • while i accompany my two dear parents..abit sian at first then after that we help mr kei find his wedding ring poor guy find find until guanan came back so we scoot off to parkway~ at the bus stop saw jiwon and her brother(look like jin hyeok leh) and yinchia and her sis. then saw mrs lewis talk to her abt dunno what then heni,reagan and KX take bus 14 we all wave at them.
  • then after a while 48 came heng ah never join them.then raffles played statue all the way while,me,guanan,mummy and daddy talk rubbish and played with glitter ahahhaha. saw fina and her friends she shock to see us.. so were we hahah then she shouted: oh ya! JUSTUS IS IN PARKWAY!X3 then i tortured faris hee then then went sakae and queue there till they tell us the buffet at 3pm so yeah went to borders and watch step up2 and leap years and i read stephen king different ways and then went to the food court to try rojak(chinese version) no nice leh! then we went arcade saw peng siew,bennie,jordy,stanley and that J guy lol hahhah crap then went to sakae to QUEUE AGAIN! and then finally after squeezing we got in.the guys at the table like stack alot so we kinda compete with them hahah.then eat until want to die. ate the digusting peas,bleh. then then me and guanan munch on the mochis hee and used KX phone to take lots of pics hahah.. it was really fun leh and everything was 88888888888 we all like 888888 hahahah siao leh after that me heni and guanan went to find jail bunny and we bully him hahahhaha then went ECP yay! we all hold hands and joni wanted to be in the circle so yeah.
  • we trapped him alot then we settle at somewhere which my phone claims that its in indonesia we all like O.O?? hahha then guanan did this funny sitting procedure and we all laugh then took a long photo and we rush home hee. went home with reagan and guanan while the rest took 31...hmph! hahhaha if i rmbr anything will post again kay?

Thursday, August 7, 2008, 10:13 PM

hello. hee. hoo. anyway today ah? laugh alot.

  1. sudhanshi ask me a joke and i accidentally got it right and we all laugh at the whole thing
  2. ate guanan's delicious sunflower seeds in mrs tan's class almost kana caught..=.=
  3. during phys spa bullying mr ng then mr tan scold meT.T say i can only call the teacher if hes free hahha.
  4. mummy eating melon seed and ea and eb eating sunflower seeds hahah
  5. recruiting ppl for English
  6. my mummy so efficient study where ever she goes hahah cool sei!
  7. starting the 40 day prayer(Christians out there! pray for me =D)
  8. went to get red shirt with heni mine like blanket sia dun care la.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 9:09 PM

hey.. hmm atwell msn me and i realise.. i nelgected her alot...sorry woman! i still love u no worries kay?

9:01 PM

katherine lee shin nee-must rmbr her name or else .............will kill me -.-

8:34 PM

oh man just rmbred something that was told to me by this guy in batam when we sat under the stars something about guys,like when u tell a guy u like him and he rejects u..dun force ur love to him cause even if u did and he accepts he wont be that serious(this is generally) so yeah funny memories =D hmm RSS PPL ESPECIALLY 6/6 come back to ur pri sch leh! then can meet meet each other!=D

7:26 PM

YAY! finally can use the com at home. hee.. today infocom meeting was funny cause everyone was hunting for guanan,me and heni were like O.Oll cause we knew what happen to him btw, never see fina and i saw 3eb staring at and i told them the one who wrote it, everyone angry i guess. but i not sure whether its really..........cause it looks like.............'s handwriting so yeah. GUESS SO! anyway me,hen,sally and icc ppl at the lab till 330pm and ah ng chase us out lol then i went to check on my qi feng cause she haven't finish her essay yet. hai. poor thing. then play till 4pm then me and hen were like"DADDY!' and also just nice the SC ppl end their meeting le so go mac together lor. then heni just said'sour and sweeet' and it became a joke to us. oh forget to say ppl hu went to mac with us:hen,me,alicia,kat,sudhanshi,ronald and daddy. me heni and daddy sat together while the rest went to sit somewhere else cause no space. then heni laugh till the mcflurry bits flew at me.=.=then we saw JODY! ahhahahahhaha. after that when home. suppose to go bedok inter with hen but i dunno where she disappear to.=.= sorry woman!anyway today fun.. hahha no emo le. lol laugh too much ba. anyway to ppl of the family members which is mummy(queen of the family),daddy(joker),brother(scary didi),statue(raffles)and bunny(hard to get pet) TMR! CONFERENCE AH! AT 10pm! the queen says so! hee =D

2:27 PM

hahaha having infocom meeting so little ppl damn it. this kids ah! anyway yesterday was fun haahhaha lets learn english again. if the meeting ends late i'll wait for daddy hee =DD bunny is beside me dunno doing what, am i'm really feeling super emo right now. really la. i even cried because of something stupid! and i really miss. aiya really emo. cannot EMO. hahahah hmm. oh AZHAR! good luck ah! take good care of urself. and MAKE LOTS OF FRIENDS HEE bring something back ah for me only la hee hmmm. okay? be ur best and be strong =D

Tuesday, August 5, 2008, 3:40 PM

hahah back yay! waiting for that boy so i can bully him no la,i not so bad one okay. anyway back at the com lab with hollie wollie hahhaha waiting for ppl to end lesson HURRY END leh! so i can hurry go home and finish my freaking AMATHS HWK.. holly says pictures of jiwon,khoi and atwell are common in handphones. lol. so yeah its 3.38 LE! hurry end leh hurry hurry. hee hoo haa. i'm mad but happy so long no blog. letsee.. talk abt weekends ba. Sunday was very rushy and and BC is starting this 40 days prayer and i'm part too got my face in one of book that was given out to the adults AH! super unglam lol. hahahha.=DD anyway all the infocom chers are leaving. DAMN U ALL. hai its 3.41! hurray!I WANNA ROLLER BLADE! hey hey hey! me bored leh! dun want study Leh so sian man!

10:59 AM

hey having recess..i 'm restricted to the com at home for the whole year i guess until i start getting A hahhaha lol. JEFF is going off. and mummy.didi.daddy.bunny. all want go somewhere to celebrate national day lol. i rmbred how i celebrated national day last year. and yesterday i slept the whole day after making my ic and today when i woke up i realise i miss him alot. at the bus this morning i almost cried. but i saw one girl from bdss crying then her friend was saying things to her and she kinda cool off which was weird. i feel sad today not really happy. anyway i saw my sec 1s playing soccer and it was funny lol. and then then i dunno what to do i really feel like running away from everything today. everyone is leaving and hey, grace is here hahaha okay gtg bye next lunch/recess then i see whetheer i want post more kay?

Saturday, August 2, 2008, 9:21 PM

really bored right now. and i know i got lots of hwk. planning to do it late at night hahah where everyone in my family shuts up i mean shut down. lol. =.=

5:13 PM

Today i realise that i'm going to understand ppl before i judge? and honour God all my days =D

8:43 AM

hey,yesterday didnt post because i was super tired. during np. have to run from 1st to fourth floor. then run like 6 times?then later had dinner with alexandra ,regan(really not sure if correct) and heni we walk and walk very siao man i walk till my leg super suan. hahah but it was really really relaxing hee.yesterday infocom is showing signs that its going to die. so many conflicts sey! oh we watch a movie during np and some of our sir was like:'whose cd? privated one ah!' then everyone laugh hahah. THE END of yesterday =P btw, 4ea stole my class dustbin...GRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRr


Hi, i'm Danah and i am minute, so tall people always squishes me, darn them!



Layout: Yeling

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JErEmY! the smallie
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  1. July 2008
  1. August 2008
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  1. June 2009