Monday, September 29, 2008, 7:46 PM

this post is dedicated to JUSTUS:
so here goes,
i am sorry if i ever like u,
i am sorry if it hurts u mentally and physically,
yeah theres lots on my mind, just want to say
i am sorry and all, i dunno but i am a fool for being an idiot to u
oh and nice haircut lol take care la
u think this post wasted ur time go blame it on SSS

TODAY was horrible T.T i hate u mr brightside! enough of ur nonsense la! eesh i dun wan bring u to school anymore! and JONAHS brothers is everywhere first in some weird newspaper then on a creepy radio? now in my stupid head eesh(the idea of making it colourful comes from ERN AND JEMIMAH)

Saturday, September 27, 2008, 12:02 AM

couldnt sleep so i blog hee.
revision isnt going smoothly T.T how? idk man
lets do a review of this week alright?
MONDAY:went hall (as far as i can rmbr) listens to the yearly nag abt EOY okay yesh i get the point sheesh! hahah then had MT teacher bad mood, so sacastic -.- after that we had geog test? i anyhow do alamak!-.- then after that recess le? went to pass form to teacher and all ran here and there=.= okay then after that lessons very boring cause all the teachers like in a bad mood dun wan to teach us during lunch was funny though,christine went to bully jem abt kk's clothes hahaha they tease her until her face very very red XDD.-.- so yeah went home after that and stared at the book =.= done! hee
TUESDAY: let me think hmmm...oh had bio first rite? i think so some of us get free period then i forgot what i did oh i rmbr le,i talked to cyn and ch.they very cute? XDD after that had pe, FIRST TIME SAW MR AZHAR smiling idk why did skipping, actually suppose to two to a skipping rope but me,yc and sud. we all did the threesome one and kena caught so have to run and we run run run then laugh laugh laugh hahha so yeah skip until sweat! -.- idk y man. then went for CME and jem let us see the video she made for mrs haniff hahahha JH! so cool sia! then played with SSS after that..lemme think. nth?had recess then went to collect ic with kor his photo nicer than mine! met benson on the way back to classroom and he say my face in the ic like very dead like that aiya!no fair! and 2hours of watching the relief teacher sleeping haahahahXDD.and i ran around the classroom bare footed i'm mad! hee haah hoo. after that lunch what did i do again?!?! i cant rmbr hahahahah so the day ends and i didnt study =.=DIE
WEDNESDAY: mt first rite? idk what happen hahah then a-maths and then e-maths then recess which i forgot what i did AGAIN -.- i'm mad hee okay then blah blah lunch time! yesh! finally! hahah stay back to study but cannot concentrate cause mummy and daddy's sleepy face made me sleepy hahah =.= tried fina's fruit cake and got caught by guanan hee then we all went home while our parents get tortured hee. then while walking to the bus stop met my scary aunty and her mother which is my ahma? hahha PENGSIEW my ahma?!!?!? eww. hahah okay then we all joked abt ANGEL TAN hahah funny! xDD
THURSDAY:let me thinky,oh on my way to mt lesson ronald(2ea) told me something that got me worried and all so after mt i went to find out if ____ is okay and all. i hope ____is alright. anyway the air in class was depressing had phys spa practice,so yeah first time my graph skills pass hahahaah then after lunch had e-maths which probably killed most of us hahah then the end? XDD
FRIDAY: which is today! XDD something good happen? XDD anyway had chem SPA practice and we do until no time so me,nick,azzie and yuichi spent our free period to continue the rest which was fun i love seeing ppt form hee. so yeah after that hand very soapy eesh went back up with azzie and found out our classroom got taken so sat outside of 3eb, and may talked to me, she claim she fell asleep and no one told her so i laughed at her hahahXDD yeah then went for a-maths mr tan suddenly shouted at the 3n ppl to hurry get out of the class shock me. then after a-maths had recess and i super lonely cause kor kena milk posion-ing no la jk he got stomache-.- and mummy idk go where, so i whine at daddy to accompany me until he invite me to watch them play ball, so sit there see them anyhow play kick kick until ball fly out sia haha then more ppl join in =.= the more ppl the faster the ball fly out but nice to watch and listen to their convo? hahahha like when someone knocks on their door, nigel went to open and turns to kk'eh kang jemimah looking for u' then ronald says' eh take our pe shirt and ask her go clean leh'kk went'shut up la' funny convo=.= then bell rang? left the classroom and brace myself to see that teacher she seems happier? idk man hahah so yeah after sch waited for papa since theres no one to take care so yeah then met sud,ronald and azmi we talk alot and accompany sud cause she waiting for weijian they all, after that sent papa to the bus stop hahaha then waited for my bus for 1 hr pluS? sian sia, then 3 14 came! eesh. went home slept hahahah woke up bathe then stare at my book until i fed up then went to see com got ppl talk then i reply then stare back at my book hahahh lol until now i no mood to sleep =.= so yeah hope u enjoy reading XDD

Saturday, September 20, 2008, 11:16 PM

actually i dun really care about not getting the ambassador thing but learning abt what happen to mr chia i feel super guilty argh SORRY MR CHIA its already pass and all dunno la just forget it =.=

Friday, September 19, 2008, 10:08 PM

this week,actually today kinda pretty rough,thought mummy and kor waiting for me,but never see them eesh,i feel like a wretch right now,feel so hated,seriously sick of studying,no mood for anything,my mind's just spinning round...and round. damn tired le,i just hate it la! first talk to some people they talk like dont want to talk so next week talk to me i wont response tired already la! trying to help then just stone there and dun response, go die la seriously, anyway JANNAH I LOVE U! hahha thanks for the funny convo at the multi-purpose court heh! anyway yeah really fuck up right now. eesh not happy damn not happy, I HATE MY FAMILY LA so not understanding eesh

Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 10:36 PM

ALRIGHT since i got sometime so just blog? or else no one will see..XD anyway i wan to say something first:
SORRY CF! i felt so childish that day and all,i still love u all XDD
and yeah today..
FUN? got three hours free period sit there then sleep then learnt abt eric's secret then sneak into a classroom and took __________'s thingies to wash?!?!? yeah TO WASH?!!? hahhaah cant stand the smell but hey! i didnt wash it not gonna DISGUSTING LEH! hahha really really,
ERIC DUN GIVE URSELF SUCH low esteem! hahha u handsome la okay?XDD.
alright thats it? THANKS JONI AND MANY ppl for ur wonderful encouragement HAHA
take care to all my readers!hah

Friday, September 12, 2008, 11:22 PM

come to think of it i got something to say to some ppl
firstly to the cheese family: i dunno just feel like i dun fit in this family,like i can feel that mummy dun really like me,and daddy is only there for mummy,so how can he say he love the cheesefamily? everyone dun give a fuck about me. except for heni my darling dajie
i guess its only to the cheesefamily,really think i dun fucking fit la,and they arent really reaching out so idk man feel like i'm just a burden to them.

10:29 PM

Since gene and hen force me, then okay lor just blog hahah and my scary aunty force me blog too. =.=
Monday:i cant rmbr haha sorry man :) oh oh. went pp with fina,kor and hen
then we went popular to buy stuffs and went home around 8plus hahah cause i stay back in sch till 430 for a-maths hwk sia
Tuesday: eh...oh when for the ambassador thingy! saw 29,28,jeremie,vian,thendral,gene,jue ying,sanchit,ian,t-rex and many more which i probably didnt see hahah
so yeah happy lala then i grouped up with with 28 and jeremie!Jeremie was really nice and funny so yeah luckily he there sia or i will never survive hahah,self intro:' name is danah,from chaichee sec,er..and wait wait! rmbr to spell my name its D-a-n-a-h rmbr ah! D-a-n-a-h! oh and something interesting about me..i can cycle?'good thing they react or i will faint cause i am cold? hahah t-rex said'i can cycle too' and thendral went'other than cycling,i am bad at cooking',jeremie said'i screamed in my sleep'SV joke. XDD so yeah then got a reunion but i guess i went home cause got two tests! eesh.
Wednesday:er..sent mummy home then papa to the bus stop? slept under mummy's blog XDD
Thursday: went home for .........
FRiday: which is today!hahah Oral was traumatizing hahah but cool atleast ms sng listen to part of my pic discript. yeah~then went down.again sad cause i dun see mummy and daddy then talked to qifeng and chen hong they very cute XDD went for np shock man afew ncos but yeah sad to hear its the last day,but FUN! hahah we did interaction with our beloved sec 1s and our two fav senior seniors came yeah! hahah
after got attacked by my aunty while mummy and daddy abandoned me with her nooooooOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo and Aron is my grandpa AHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
so went mac supposed to dicuss but didnt know it took a short while so yeah crap under heni's block hahah its kinda sad to hear some parts,we brought back some pasts and all. but i love it.i love to tell heni my problems cause she really listens. hahah thanks dajie! i heart u XDD
so yeah pls tag me blog and to
ahgong:DUN STRESS LA! take care of ur health ah! hahah

Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 8:37 PM

heya! hmm emo alot after laughing XDD lols lols
really ma. during mr tan's class joke joke and laugh laugh..
eh -.-
then went to see mummy she emo. then papa emo. then met guanan,he also emo.
sat under a block and emo-ed(plus it was raining man!)
so yeah,when it drizzled okay ba
what happened today:
rushed to school,
thought i was late but i came in just in time!YESH YESH
MUTTON-ing yeah funny hahaha.
anyway had phys,in aircon (FINALLY) and yeah we all laughed at mr tan for being a cheapskate cause he print paper squeeze all the question in one paper argh then reflection=collection and he claim that he is saving the trees =.=this cher ah!
then english okay ba.she scolded daddy on the phone. we all =.=
then had 1.15 hours of break.did hwk look at photos with chen hong and qifeng,
and chen hong listen to music,such that when she talk she will shout and we all laugh cause she so cute sia >
then amaths again(almost died) ARGH
then end at 3pm?
went canteen see no one then went lab,JUNWEI says infocom room needs to be clean so helping out on friday before...____
hahahh then went down,shock to see daddy i tot he coming at 5plus
sat at the bench with daddy and he told me his cheapskate incident,
where he fell in love with two coins on the bus XDD
then mummy popped out YESH FINALLY!
but she dun look so good,everyone near us told us she T.T
then we all *think: CHEER HER UP BA?*
then daddy cheered her first then my turn?
she laughed with daddy instead -.-
then met guanan he told us the major thingy and we all HEH?!?!?
then emo at the block until daddy cheered all of us up!
I LOVE MY MUMMY AND DADDY! cheer up MA! we all love you kay?
then sent ppl home and me and daddy saw a kitten,meow so loud then when see us ran away
during amaths
sketching graph sudhanshi turns to eric and asked"ERIC! ur period is what?'
my blur husband stares and her and said'i no period"
and i laughed hahha while sudhanshi scolded him XDD
damn funny la.

Monday, September 1, 2008, 8:52 PM

etto. nothing really happen? went to mummy's hse and study there and fasted with daddy hahaha but instead we end up talking abt food and daddy was dying there pai sei daddy
XDD okie wanted to study but in the end never sia
waste time
the end?


Hi, i'm Danah and i am minute, so tall people always squishes me, darn them!



Layout: Yeling

Hollie wollie
Bana #1
Niki wiki!
ERNNIE(my boy-boy)
JErEmY! the smallie
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  1. July 2008
  1. August 2008
  1. September 2008
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