Thursday, October 30, 2008, 8:34 PM

pretty tired, didnt sleep well =.=
anyway came to sch at 8am and we all wanted to get out of sch(during bio period, so we having free period for two hours) and makan,so cyn agreed to join us and we wait for her while Sinyi and her sis went first, but cynthia came back to us at 10 and we had a-maths after recess, okay la, quite fun? i cant believe i can do the o'lvl(this year) questions(some) actually everyone in my class can do it =.= then they all want go siglap for lunch? follow along, met Ji won on the bus, she very cute sia, tot the bus we taking was 10 and almost wanted to get down and i told her its bus 14 so she dropped off at tanah merah. aiya damn tired. still havent found my dreams. maybe i wan to join the airforce, or be a chef? or own my own shop. =.= anyway, ppl in my group for SDMA meet me in sch at 1pm can? we discuss discuss=.=

Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 10:47 PM

"There was once a foolish,dense little girl,
she's in love with a guy, when she sees him,
her heart starts to melt,
her mind suddenly stunned,
her feet refuses to budge,
and her hand itches to give him a hug,
that foolish,dense little girl is me :)."

9:20 PM
we all have created dreams

MY SDMA is dying, pathetically. =.= anyway today had chem pract., i did something real stupid(better not say) before i came to sch. saw des and shana and rush to the lab. =.= luckily i came in just in time, did chem SPA, what to say, okay la, but i got acid all over =.=, then early break? me and sudh just went to lvl3 classroom and talk, after that went 4EA classroom for lessons, me and sudh planning to use our free time(ONE DAY) and clean the classroom. English was FUN i really enjoy myself,first time this year hahha. *smiles* after that went down to wait for guannie, he really like old man. o.o then disturb ppl and went home, oh ppl going for the combine cca trip so far:
for sec3s:
  1. Holly
  2. Ruwei
  3. Me
  4. Peng
  5. Ben
  6. Guanan
  7. WeiJian
(around there,might have more.)
sec 2s, erm dunno leh,
anyway i wondered if Heni's going to plan for the SV gathering
and happy to know that almost everyone is going for the 3rd nov thingy YAY!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 8:33 PM

anyway. today.. pretty okay, went to sch for lifeskills course, and to be real honest 4EA CLASSROOM STINKS.:/ hahah! and suffered there for hell long, but our coach is a funny guy. somewhat suey ba(i meant him). XDD anyway during our break met joni and talk abt stupid things, with siew tieng too(idk whether i spelt correctly), pai seh if i spelt wrongly :D so.......... we went through the course with lots of laughter and abit of weird activity. hahah after that all our minds broke down at 3plus, cannot tahan le, some ppl there drooling away, and we did one activity, that yin chia shock me until i erm.. well, nvm =.= oh and that ST girl, saw one of the coach and she was like' its him! i add him in facebook!' and i gasped'WAH STALKER LEH SHE!' and we laugh laugh. after the whole thing went siglap to see mummy and joni, we just merely guess that daddy will b there, and we saw him =.= then went to some weird place and i played with a cat, awww damn cute leh!i love pets :),then walked back pass by the freaky house with a statue of 4dogs fucking each other, for those who take bus 14 or 10 and 12, if are passing by parkway look out for a semiD(i think) and find those 4dogs. damn gross =.= after that went back to siglap to makan makan and went home hee

Thursday, October 23, 2008, 12:17 AM

alamak. just now doing post then com went siao now must repost. ARGH.
i am going to dissect my post into two parts. first part is abt my day second is my thoughts? i figure it sounds lame but nvm la see how it goes? hahha do tag, i dun mind complains XD.
lol kay back to my post.
erm erm. in the morning i talk to cyn and yc, lol doodle here and there with them and all. :)
after that had kick out of the activities cause some of us never wear proper attire and they were filming the sch for the 40th we talkie. my class ppl are jem,me,jiwon and ch,then we had recess mrs tan so evil force us do the survey,
guanan:then u treat us to fish and co.?
mrs tan:okay.
I: wha! really ah?
mrs tan:yes,in ur dreams
after that we had eng, tony they all disturb ms cyn while the rest of us doodle away,
after that we all changed and went canteen to wait for eric.
and he finally arrived yay!
hahah after that wish Olivia happy birthday.
but we sang half-way then we disappeared =.=
then saw ern talk to him for awhile and me and guanan decided to disturb jem,
I:wha u got try KANG kong before?
guanan:yah got got nice, i like KANG kong.
and we laugh and laugh. jem was blushing? XD.
for ur info kangkong is a vegetable.
then we got a bus to ecp! yay haha we all tot we have to walk there.
so had a bit of tutorial,the first one was swimming i was like being dragged by the current instead of actually swimming lol. then we all did the windsurfing, khoi tried first then me, i dropped into the sea for 6 times? hahah but it was fun apart from taking in alot of salt water. then we played with the sand, first i kena buried,then khoi, then nitipat, we all made boobs and dick for him using sand lol. after that had our shower,and we were given curry puffs on our way back went back with sam,guanan,sudh,jem,eric. after that was joined by jackson,kai yiu and hengky. and we dropped off at channie's hse. me sudh jem and guanan walked back to sch sudh left us at bayshore there where sy saw me. lol then we walked to sch. cause jem wanted to see KK, and me.. eerr.. daddy and erhem.. and guanan,daddy. so reached sch talked to ppl abt their activities then met ern, talked to him after he finished playing with robert, yah forced him to wait with us. and while waiting we saw jialat,bella,ben10&peng. hahah talked to them and then saw suzie they all XD. after that ern and jem got fed up and left at around 635pm, and we werent sure if they really had dance and if mummy was here so gave her a call and she said she was in the canteen lol the distance man. me and guanan in the harmony works while they at canteen! eesh! xD and we waited for daddy. ahahha. and talk until ma says:changi air corpse. and we laugh non-stop hahah after that went mobil cause daddy wanted to buy din din. so follow lor. after that we all erm erm erm erm erm. stone at the bus stop and daddy left first and we all went home with azmi on the bus we talked abt friendster until they ask me what happen to my friendster i told them a 'tragic' story actually more of pathetic. haha XD and they kept laughing mummy went: aiya be happy with what u have
then guanan points at her ezlink and she sighed 'hai this one,like shit.' and azmi(i think) was like'i tot u said be happy with what u have?' and we all laugh my ma is such a cute mother XDD and went home and sleep le
hmm.. no sch..oh so gene ask me to go buy b'dae prezzie for his mummy. so i ask guannie out, while waiting for the bus i met shaik(i think thats correct, the spelling),anyway we talked and he was like:'that Aron sms me every night.' and i asked' ah? u two talked abt what?' he laugh and said'something that girls should not know.' i was like =.='horny stuffs rite?' and we all laugh hahha. so he took the same bus but dropped off earlier. then went sch. no one in the media lab except for frankie, robert and the guy who replaced sharie(sorry idk his name-.-)so i didnt go inside. wait for guannie until he popped out of nowhere and gene said he'll meet us at our sch bus stop but we wait until he said meet at parkway better both of us =.=ll.wanted to kill him. so we went parkway went borders to find mummy and daddy. but they at ECP. dunno do what damn them! so met gene first and got the prezzie for his mama. and daddy and mummy came we all scolded them for being lousy parents hahah gene was like =.= hahah after that met heni and we went to get wrapping paper and check out some backpack. lol.after that we went to makan and after that we split up?daddy,mummy,guannan and me went summer frost. then we all took bus 14 sent mummy off first then guanan good thing we never follow him up to the lift cause the lift very scary. then sent daddy off, and i love listening to his stories, that will always be stuff abt Justus (i realise)-.- but i really enjoy it :) then walked home.after that went to meet heni and her cousin, her cousin very funny, lol then later idk do what but we all went home and i lazy go sch early :p
THURSDAY: i went sch, and erm.. hahah met nitipat on the bus hee. and we talk abt working hard, and yar like what fina said, its our last year so we have to chiong like siao le. after that have some pizza party, and we all talk talk after that went to disturb joni. and the russian guy XD.
then finally our field trip went to old ford factory. cheat feeling one la, its not a factory but a museum, but the guide said that it was a car factory then after that then renovate it to make it turn out into a museum, oh we all watch some video clips, and me and eric were falling asleep haha XD. then we tour around and sinyi did something which made me and sudh tease her, she so cute la XD then we saw an open cage and the guide told us that was for monkeys, they will paint the monkey head in diff colour so that when the other monkeys see him they will attack him and the monkey wont enter the place again. lol me and jem were like'heh heh ask Aron to come to the museum and we push him in the cage and colour his hair.' =.= lol.after that our bus finally came. and went back sch, at sch actually wanted to go home with sudh, then fina push me to go find her missing stuff, and we saw ern! and i dash to him and gave him a hug, my poor boy =.= i rmbred something happened to him and all. after that took taxi to some terminal and idk what happen we ended up in parkway, hahah went to the police station, siao for sth. then went summer frost AGAIN. after that we all went home?

woke up early for piano, my cher keep scolding me, i guess i'm a real lousy student, =.=
after that watched movies, and went to meet ronaldCHUA,des,shana,mummy,daddy,kor,fina and sudh. and we met shaun in the bus lol. after that we makan makan then went candy empire. after that went somewhere and play play then went to watch HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3, i sat beside two weird couple, still having goosebumps when i think abt them..ewww scary sia. and we all find zac a big perv who likes to hug vanessa's boobs XDDthen went for supper everyone all so tired =.=
darn it got FLAGDAY,
met sudh then we all went to Dhoby Ghaut for flag day, jonathan told us to go infront of the ISTANA to wait for the president to come out then we ask him to donate heh heh, we really went ISTANA at first and then idk why we walk all the way to orchard hahha. then back to ISTANA, we all wait for him to come, wah, damn long sia =.= in the end he never come and we all went back to the mrt there and gave back our baggies.then went home, took bus 222 and saw peng! lol seeing him so tired makes me tired too. hahah

Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 2:16 PM

waiting for guanan then after that we go meet gene(not from 2ea)
lol.dun dare go in lab cause it'll feel awkward i dun really know that guy who replaced
was fun hahah.REALLY. at first we anyhow guess what windsurfing is but my predictions half-correct. its this surf board+a big sheet of flag.nvm if u dun get it.=.= should have played golf. lol.

Monday, October 20, 2008, 6:45 PM

back from camp le, actually yesterday back le.
lets start with etto..
THURSDAY:erm erm, skipped classes again? and help with the graduation it was fun blew balloons and they burst after one touch, lol. after that after effects course okay la, not that bad fun playing with ERN,ICA and HENI!!
FRIDAY: woke up early to pack bag for camp. lol XD
after that rush to sch. went P.A. room but wollie missing found her and rapist in the icc room
HEY! so we talk cock? and went to P.A. to see the video of mr loke. HEY! i wanted to snap photos with him but i forgot to =.= BYE MR LOKE! after that i helped with the preparations for the graduation day. lol. holly told me weird ghost stories. after that saw guannie and we all did videos for the seniors.BYE BYE SENIORS TAKE CARE AND JIA YOU FOR UR O's.
it was fun i guess.=.=i short so i carried a dumb chair with me first kena stolen by heni then nigel chiang. after that idk who,and then hurried to camp and i hugged some ppl. julian got scared of me when i hugged him LOL=.= then left for camp?took cab with jackson, peng and amos.
then anyhow pack. and went to camp late all because someone cheated my feelings.
but the shuang part is i no need to hike to the campsite. i got a ride there yay! :)
then they all pitching up the tent so i help out? after that did alot of self-intro.
met the girl who was born in the same year,month and date cool eh? XD she look like a Chinese but is a Malay and i look like a Malay but is a Chinese. i was quiet cause no mood had dinner forced to eat that Maggie mee. and then sleep? but the sleep very terrible. got lots of mosquito bites and they kept flying at my ear there
SATURDAY: had a nonsensical pt. REALLY. and we started with our activities after breakfast. we did treasure hunt first walk for abt 3km to find checkpoints? lol. then after lunch had shelter building got a combination of ants' bites and mosquitoes' darn it, then had the fire thingy wha lao fire almost want to light up then rain. lol. then the best part came. JETTY JUMP :) damn happy. was nervous(a little) and then it felt like suicide when i jump off the plank. and it was hard to fight off the current, lol but happy. and wet? we tookie a bathie after that then had din din! then camp fire. lol camp fire was okay ARON VERY HIGH =.= lol while i am stuck with my mosquitoes who thinks my blood is free. MUST PAY LEH!lol.
hahah after that the girls all kena something all because of one gross person.
SUNDAY: last day i super happy. so yeah hurry end stuffs and met guanan at bbt. then met mummy? and went her hse to play lol.
then went home and sleep lol.
MONDAY: had after effects course made a super crappy+funny video. lol. hahahXDD but in the end holly's team won. CONGRATS.
Ern says: danah u okay?
I say:yeah why?
Ern says: cause u drank a bottle u pick up from nowhere.
lol (its from the video we create.) i'll post soon? or go hen's blog to watch?
then went pp met mummy. see BK no mood so go katong with guanan,heni and mummy makan makan then tried tomoe yaki.(jap. pancakes.) nice! :) after that walk to pp met christine and ruth the scary woman. and i accidently molested a skeleton and it started to laugh SIAO =.=
then while waiting for bus back bought cookies. nice but dry lol.
went home lol.:D

Thursday, October 16, 2008, 8:46 AM

skipped classes,cause class is depressing?
anyway i'm depressed, and i dun even know if i can get promoted all because of a-maths =.=
eaating cheese pringles and using ern's lappy the one for the course i didnt know it was his until now =.=, in the P.A. room cold sia! lol oh to find out abt ur results u must add ur 2ct marks+mid-yr then divide by 300 mutiply by 100 or something like that hee. XDD
helping out in the graduation thingy idk why. =.= and the video has pics full of ___ =_= (not justus) so yeah now its 9.32am he he he he he he he he he he

Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 9:07 AM

YAY! 100th post! lol lol,
lets start with monday:
woke up early and forced myself to meet mummy, she agreed to the jogging idea waited for her like damn long, and ppl walked pass me stare at my sec camp shirt they got frighten hahah XDD siao chaichee scary meh? lol finally she pop out of nowhere i saw a weird guy stonning =.=
so we decide for a long time and ended up at the gym working out with 987fm and old ppl =.= after that went for breakfast gave guanan a call he replied with a grumpy tone lol. ordered roti, and me and kor kena stomache, went home to bathe then met sud and ron and guannie again at the sch bus stop, and sud said'i hope justus pop up of nowhere.' i glared at her =.=, took mrt to grand cathay, after that went Lido, very unfortune things happen lol, =.= then ma called said she wants to join us, then okay lor wait for her then went in to watch house bunny, kept readin the chinese subs, caused i cannot hear but they're saying lol =.= and ronald was laughing out loud alot of times, after that went to coffee beans to slack? i abit emo sia, went to borders lol after that :) then anyhow walk and we ended up in a bus stop waiting for a 4mins 14 bus which came in around 10mins CHEAT OUR FEELINGS! alamak! then after that emo home end of day.
TUESDAY: yesterday, during the course we all like jokers sia, especially the locked up part, we wrote death threatening notes to ern, planning to kill him for locking us up, and i was like'ern! open the window i crawl thru it!' but then there were grills so cannot climb thru. then i was like' call canada pizza! call them and pass the food thru the bloody windows!' i ran around screaming, then mr chia came and we were like' CALL MR LEONG!' and mr chia said'mr leong we have a crisis' lol then mr leong never came so i was like'THATS IT! call JUSTUS! hurry call him! before i die must see him! HURRY!' damn drama mama sia, but very funny. finally robert got fed up and save us all. so hunt ern down. during the course ern read everyone's blog out loud, almost wanted to kill him! then finish le went pp and all, ern was so happy like a little kid and we pass by one shop, there was a tag that shows a rhino and it wrote'CAUTIOUS! HORNY!' and ern was like 'eh give to kelvin(4ea) and let him wear it around since he is horny' we all laugh and laugh. funny sia! now having the dialogue thingy, slacking? XDD

Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 10:40 PM

kena forced to blog so can tell the funny thing abt ern today?
anyway morning was okay just that very surprise to see the sec 4 missing hahaha,
laze around during BIo,talk abt tv-shows with yin chia,actually i just listen to them talk,
very fun quarrelling back with them they so cute?
had PE horrible, i HATE U TONY! so good in sports for what?!!?
lol,i chiong around the field grabbing that darn ball,
oh we played handball,
and i played as if we were playing ruby,and i kena scolded by mr azhar he blew the whistle and say:'u think u playing ruby is it?' fun sia jump on ppl, but quite hard to jump on them those tallies(ern,its in my vocab okay!?!?)-.- so we turned into sweaty weirdos
hahah ms Kong took some of our CME lessons good thing she did that then i can wait no longer,
okay with it just hoping it would pull up those failed subjects if there is any,
so i'm pretty positive xD i guess,
after that went lab and all,
so we got our shirts YAY! XDD
after that helped to call all our juniors to go to the course and after 2hours left with a few ppl,
our instructor was super shocked,
i still rmbred i sat with bianda and she was surfing the internet the teacher wanted to see, and she screamed"cher dun see,its hello kitty undergarments" wtfish =.=
during the course was fun, i talked to sharie and he say'hai, really gonna miss u guys.'i was like' then dun go i heard the students hit the teachers with chairs" and he was like =.='i know who told u that' so we laugh laugh,
and alot of fun la,like attacking ern
I say:'ern if u move the table up i will kick u,punch u and strip u naked(that was unintentional okay!)'
gene burst out laughing.
and ern stared and move the table i grabbed his collar and the button came up i was like O.oll
wtf anyhow say then suddenly like that and he kept calling me a paedophile damn u!
so he bought his icc shirt to cover it lol SORRY ERN!=.=
and heni and iCa decided to see their EL results so ern and iCa walk out of the room and ern closed the door and then the door was spoilt cannot open we were frantic sia, scream and curse ern hahah finally Robert and sharie saved our lives! yeah and idk what happen to the screwdriver =.=
so free le went to hunt Ern down idk where he go but heni's eyes super sharp found him so fast so we ran and ran jump on him and ended up with nail scratches from him,SELF-DEFENCE MY FOOT!so after that went thru the course with jokes and underwear songs [:
joni and christine came in the lab,screamed at christine idk scared of her i guess =.=
so yeah shout alot,mr thomas says'u're a girl dun use rude words can?' *points at ern* 'he influence me leh' =.= after that makan makan at BK everyone except joni and christine know what to order the rest of us anyhow choose but no one went with what joni mentioned'syapiq's recommendations lol.after that christine left to see someone(erhem). then we jalan at parkway saw zg and i hugged him (HEY!thats my culture :)) lol. then we were like u stone here waiting for hu? points at a girl 'oh ur gf' lol she came over and i wave wave and said this is my boy-boy ern iCa is like a mother to ern and we are like his aunties and uncles,always looking out for him and getting tortured by his ruthless nails!
so after a while of intensively sniffing through lim's art and living(what ern say) we went home? on the way back ern bough bbt and heni asked him'ern what bus u taking?' ern was like'1 50' heni(her voice is very loud) asked even louder and ern replied even louder'1 50' and heni got fed up and said' i am asking u what bus u taking not how much is it' and we burst out laughing all the way to the bus stop,while crossing thru roxy, there was this girl walking she suddenly turned back and said'come out bitch' and i tot i heard ern said to iCa'i tot she refering to u' so i laugh and laugh, okay SORRY ICA and when we nearly getting out of the place one guy wave and her and she said 'bye' to us,and i very shocked thats why i kept saying'who are u?' 'who is this guy?' 'so scary pop out of nowhere' and she shouted back'DANAH u dun need to know' -.-
at the bus stop 12 came and guanan sms me he in the same bus as RETRO GUY! and ern and joni's bus came after that! i left alone to stand there for 1/2 hour laughing and today,on the bus i also laugh and laugh,ppl think i siao =.= anyway yeah went home bathe watch tv blog and learnt abt ammonium -.- well, hahah funny day! hope tmr is too. XDD

Saturday, October 11, 2008, 1:01 PM

its a saturday,
yeah well, DUH =.=
anyway woke up and found it senseless to wake up so slept again,
and i hate waking up and feel super heavy and draggy,
oh well,
feel like going back to service today,
but idk it feels super lonely there, my friends are in a different cell and all,
man my christainity life is in a mess and very badly deserted.=.=
anyway been reading a book abt this woman and her life in finding christ, very touching.
lol after that read Calvin and Hobbes,hahaha
i find that my parents are like calvin's always very controversialise.=.=
anyway, today time pass by so slowly,
when there was exams time pass so quickly,
but the days were very draggy,
have a few things to work on:
2.registration for the icc camp(hope lots of SV ppl are going :))
3.going jogging with mummy :) and my sis? i wanna ask azzie, oh well. hard for my p__.
5. moving out of this rotten dump.
6.erm..finding back my religious path.(yes,i will be a pious person:))
might be back to post later on :)
oh yah, GOOD LUCK for ur O's ppl,

Friday, October 10, 2008, 7:30 PM

i was thinking of flooding my posts with stories that i thought of while studying, but nah, might be too lame. lol,idk having mixed feelings, anyway i was thinking every time when i'm with anyone and justus walk pass they always call my name, and say'eh eh look look justus justus.'then i was thinking, what do u want me to do? run to him and hug him, his appearance feels very cold(no!i dun worship crystals) lol
only my phone :)
and some other stuff. lol :p
oh yar,
kinda miss WYN,
my fav. fighting partner,
we like doing random kungfu moves, lol,
and i miss the old NITIPAT,
so funny always bulging -.- lol
very caring and supportive too, lol
my best confider, i heart her lots,
crazy Montana but lovable,
now she like some wicked witch =.=
makes my days happy and fun to crap and complain abt. i heart her too :D
fav singing partner and a very good adviser,i'm serious a very nice person,
she looks out for her juniors' and her friends' well-being,
she gives equal care i'm serious.
JEMIMAH chicken pao honey pao:lol,
a very weird friend to be with,
lol but she very cute? KK u better be reading this,
good clothes washer XDD
weird man, a.k.a mr hairy
lol nice to talk to him too very caring?
good adviser too,
very supportive like a mother+ a friend to me,
hard to find friend
the best for last,
etto,loves crapping with him lol,
it widens my imagination (i realise)
starts to see things in a weird funny angle
and HEY! he made me a positive thinker! actually all of them made me think positive XD
another best confider!Hard friend to find,
very lovable when she does silly things hahah,
addictive laughter lol lol XDD
always there for me :)
P.S: tell me if i ever miss u out XD

5:46 PM

happy happy exams are over no more staring at my horny table in sch.=.= weird horny words engraved on it=.=
ANYWAY lets do a week review AGAIN and AGAIN!
MONDAY: we had SS and CHEM alright i guess though somebody made terrible noises=.= VERY weird,after that went home with guanan. everyone disappeared =.=HEY! lol. then we talk about weird happenings and all. lol lol
TUESDAY: everyone almost died of excessive writing lol DIE DIE! after that what happen ah? dunno le, oh rmbr le, help jem buy food then eric went with me every time he see me he always say:'i thought i divorce with u?'lousy man.=.= he always runs away with another woman. lol so yeah we talk nonsense?Then went home with guanan AGAIN=.=
WEDNESDAY:e-maths! almost died lol. during our 2nd break we asked some 4ea ppl teach us maths, then olivia helped us first she do infront of me and sud then later she stand beside sud after that she disappeared and appear out of nowhere claiming she solve it. so we all happy happy? after that went home with,u guess it GUANAN! =.=oh we went home with zhang hao, chen hong, kai yiu and jiwon? chen hong and zhang hao set me and guanan up WE HATE U TWO no la. we love u two hahaha,after that left with me zhang hao and guanan,zhang hao kept claiming i like guanan then i was like:'okay i give up, i like someone, with the surname toh happy?' *thinks for a while* 'EH NOT JACKSON AH!' then he laugh and laugh eesh. =.=after that i wave goodbye to them and chiong for my studies?
THURSDAY: eh.......okay la, terrible. i guess. played in the classroom with azhar waiting for listening compre and guannie AGAIN! so yeah jana,des,shana,fina me,guanan talking outside our classroom when jana notice a bunch of hair at the drain infront of the toilet, EWW! wet slimy pubic hair, GROSS =.= DISGUSTING EWWWWWWWW,okay change direction,after that nigel CHUA came up of nowhere and called us down so went down and xing lao shi started scolding us. okay after that gathered ppl and had listening compreh,i was thinking that if u ever suffer from insomnia, u should record ur chinese teacher talking and in less than 2 mins sure will fall asleep lol and went home with GUANAN AAAGGGAAAIIINN! and NITIPAT we all bully him here and there until he scared of us wakakak.then chiong again
FRIDAY: eh.. went crazy then after the paper abit sad then suddenly very happy, hug lots of ppl i think,lets see,daddy,olivia, bianda,nigel chua(he ran away from me),eric and ronald chua. lol yeah! and while crossing the road guanan kept saying'look at the bus stop'x3 then jem look she laugh i stare at them'huh?' after that ask them they say'orh because justus was there' started to wink at me, weirdos.=.= so yeah on the way back we decided to see ern,see him then hug him then go disturb sharie and went home with reagan and jackson? kept talking abt________
and 3eb's definition of ms cynthia, is the teacher who zheng jie try to see her cleavage lol,our definition of her is,stuck up and weird teacher. she kept sigh-ing lol =.=
credits to ern and jem once again for their colourful-ness,
and hope everyone goes to express stream next year :)
ACTUALLY, while bathing. i got a thought,
gonna write my feelings abt justus:
anyway sud says:he likes me but wants to concentrate on his O's
then i think, but why when i try to talk to him, it feels like a bucket of ice had just been thrown at me:(,
now i'm thinking abt pubic hairs at the drain in sch and a song abt kwang chung. lol XD.

Sunday, October 5, 2008, 6:08 PM

backo =.=
anyway heres a preview of my week :)
MONDAY: funny day, finish chinese EOY and i start screaming like a headless chicken, cause i did miserably at the compre part =.= okay then after that had chem spa right? yesh yesh, i like to see the Mg ribbon dissolving hahaha stand there and stare at it, then during heating it felt like i was making soup,stir here stir there, but the smell is like..idk very pungent. hee.after that i thought guanan went home le, so walk to the bus stop with sud, sat at the bus stop i saw sinyi, jem and sam. lol they ask me go makan with them so i say 'okay' then okay then something stupid happen, oh we saw ern, then guanan and heni popped out of nowhere? then then bus 10 came, i couldnt decide whether to follow then and then just about to board the bus uncle close the door, i was like O.o ern was laughing INSIDE THE BUS. and me,heni and guanan stare at each other..'errrrrrrrrrrrr.....'then heni say 'go siglap la' then all orh at the traffic light keep thinking where to go until someone wave at guanan and guanan went'okay that was weird, someone idk just waved at me so scary.' i just stared blankly at guanan. then heni went 'EH! isnt that joni' then i was thinking'isnt that the guy who wave at guanan? oh joni ah!' then we all laugh until joni came over that after a so called 'long period of time' we made a decision-.- oh while waiting i saw ahma and my scary aunty in a bus looking at ccss me and guanan tried to wave at them but cannot la, their back were facing us. EESH.=.= so yeah stone at the bus stop then go makan makan? after that raining alamak! EVERYONE NO UMBRELLA. then dunno who say from ntuc got shelter that will link us to pp. so ran under the rain, and we realise we ran in a complete circle so start to blame one another, after that saw christine and ruth(another scary woman trust meT.T) went to visit jailbunny. and there heni told alot lame jokes.=.=very very cold. after that what happen ah? i forget le =.= :D
TUESDAY:err.........cannot rmbr oh can can! had school started to hate school so boring sia.first three period all free period so slack alot and did some revision, after that e-maths i stare at my paper then i start 'crying' cause no calculator=.= in mummy's class dying =.= after that social studies was fun la, sat with sud and SSS he very horny cause he surrounded by girls. anyway after school des,me,guanan and fina run here and there? actually we were doing something. no no wait, me and guanan were force to be kaypoh-ers while des and fina did something and mrs ng offered to be the parent we all were like O.Oll after that went canteen to wait for fina then des went to watch movie lol.after that what happen ah? again i cannot rmbr oh wait! i rmbr! then dunno what happen guanan say fina at the lab we were like'eh so fast ah?' went there saw holly,ern and heni?and i became ern's fan lol lol. he claim he has dandruff and i did this 'spread the love dandruff thing' and heni started her lame jokes again OH MAN WHEN WILL SHE STOP? after that jem came in? and pass me her phone saying sam has something for me stare at the msg,i was like 'erm..okay..nvm' something abt justus la. anyway i very lazy go =.= so i force myself to listen to heni's cold jokes =.= after that went siglap makan makan and jem became our waitress as the one there has serious problems. took lots of photos and i start talking to mr reborn hahah XDD oh ppl who went to makan makan together:ME.GUANAN.HENI.FINA.HOLLY.JEM.ERN AND JONI around there? hee i told jem that mr reborn was in love with her one and she was like' MINE IS A GUY' i stared at mr reborn'eww. u're a gay' -.- after that we all went home i guess so. yesh we did i slept and dream of flying cows =.= i think XDD
WEDNESDAY: suppose to go sharie's hse but i chose to be hardworking and stayed at home actually i only did one chapter of a-maths and the rest of the day i slept? this time dreamt of unicorns (no i dun think so =.=)
THURSDAY: hell day. Chinese was horrible, a few ppl pass their eoy and the rest of us where failures T.T after that e-maths and ss? okay la i guess. then after sch actually after being tortured by mr D.tan, we were finally release and first time i study for english.
FRIDAY: read thesarus in the morning, which was useless i forgot the words i learnt so anyhow do compo. =.= then paper 2 not so bad? i guess. except the illusion part.i put the wrong word =.= then went pp (bad mood sia)idk why dun ask oh before that we were talking to christine she suddenly got alot of things to say and we stare at the chinese stall,someone wrote 'spagetti for breakfast' we all O.O??thats it?
SATURDAY:SAD! i wanted to go see lifehouse but they were performing at the pub, which meant that u have to be 18yrs old and above, darn it! =.= so i studied.
SUNDAY: studying, but now slacking
CONCLUSION:hello, thanks for reading do tag C: i love my mummy oh to my dear CF parents HAPPY 2ND MONTH ANNIVERSARY! we love u! hope u two had a great day CX (credits to ern and jem. once again another colourful post.)


Hi, i'm Danah and i am minute, so tall people always squishes me, darn them!



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