Friday, November 28, 2008, 11:22 PM

HI hi.
lol. lazy to blog but hey today the yun nan ppl are back! WELCOME BACK GUYS hope all ur hair conditions have improved lol. or else u have to try ba wang >< lols. just kidding glad that u all are back safely (:
i did TADA! NOTHING -_- do clap for my lame-ness. heh
things did happen but trivial stuffs bah. resolved and done (:
except for mr tan's hwk -_- OOps!
everyone chatting with me until they disappear without a goodbye word! HEY T.T meanies!
nvm. lol TOMORROW IS RUWEI's BIRTHDAY (: yay? hee
i watch tv from 12pm to 12am cool eh? half a day lols. -_-

Thursday, November 27, 2008, 1:07 PM

but i guess this post is going to be small. yesterday went out with xtine,joni,jian,mummy,daddy and guanan. me and guanan met joni and christine then jian, then mummy and daddy, went to play arcade there. okay la. i just hate the grab the toys game fucking irritating. i slap the glass wall the guy say'cannot get dun vent ur anger on the thing ah' then i was damn pai seh. hahah feel so immature lols. anyway this guy gave me and christine a small keychain. hahah. was shocked and grateful. after that went to ECP to watch sun set cheat feeling de. cause it rained, then the clouds still dark and all. after that guanan grumbled and we went to makan. called ms nur she going off!we all forced her buy presents and wish her well. i haventhwk yet -_- after that we walk all the way to sch and at the bus stop, mummy says when she reincarnated she wants to be a guy. i agreed and we debated with daddy and guananidk what happen. on the bus there was CRIMEWATCH! lol. watch and made ridiculous comments. hee send mummy home, then they sent me home and idk what happened. i damn tired then -_- today planned to clean up some parts of my house hee. so yeah see how many roaches i will find. lols. hope everyone is happy today (:

Sunday, November 23, 2008, 11:59 AM

i know i quit blogging and some other shit. but i'm back hee. and this is gonna be a long LONG post. hee. (:
push back to KOTA TINGGI:
1st day(18/11):
went to the blk 85 and take bus, saw amos,peng siew and jackson, they initally pretended to ignore me i guess. hee. after that took bus and met joni,fina,christine,ruth and many others, head over to the lab to find holly, and she brought a sleeping bag, so we told her to throw it in the media room, went in. and saw zip lock bags, and being hyper, i created a ziglock bag, which annoyed everyone hahha. sorry guys. hees. went to assemble hees. got in the same group with ben10,jacky,byzura and RUWEI! the rest idk hu. but after that i knew them. but i 'll tell later. then took video, and played with christine bear.
Mr tan:DANAH! DANAH! come here
ME:*whines and went to him*
MR tan: give me the bear
mr tan: u dun want ah! or else..
*reluntantly give.* after that he shooed me to my group and christine went to fought back for her bear, and in the end she got it back after mr tan tortured the bear and her. lols.then then then i sat with her and we crap all the way with holly and others hah. it was an okay ride. i guess. assemble and our belongings like hp, wallet,mp3 and psp all went into their hands. aww. after that bag check. then we kena 3ppl per room, but christine already planned that me,her,ruth and rachel will be in the same room, but in the end i ended up with byzura and alifah. they are nice ppl, kena got to know them better. then we had our first activity, which was team building, our group slack alot sia. hahah but our motto was to just finish all the task. haha.but we didnt, but we HAVE FUN! yay! (: hee then did the blindfold thing, i hear daniel's and mr tan's convo, so funny and i bullied them by talking until a bottle was thrown at me, aww. finally our turn! (: daniel anyhow give direction then i kept cursing him like'wha u! anyhow one! i curse u to fall down!' hees. got one part someone bark and i said'GO AND DIE LA! U THINK I DUNNO U FAKE AH!' then they laugh hahah. fun siah hee.after that we got wet time, shuang, i accidently kick huisi's chibai sorry woman -_- hahah. after that bathe until shuang. had din din (: i always sit beside ruwei,byzura,ben10 and jacky! lols. then we erm. erm. erm. had more team building games and after that briefing. then sleep like pigs. haah.
2nd DAY(19/11):
we had some exercise before our trek, and before that there was this water parade where u have to drink water. i turned to alifah and said' my water from the tap siah'-_- then she was like 'really ah! nice anot?' give her a sip, then someone says'TOILET WATER AH?' *turns* wilson was like 'toilet water ah?'
ME: no lah, tap water
WILSON:toilet water la.
me: sounds so disgusting
wilson:really what! toilet water
me:lol hahha
wilson: mine also, but its boiled i think both taste the same*lets me try*
me:*Tried* i think boiled better
wilson:cause warm ma!
hahahs.then execrise. after that trekky! with wet brown shoes. lols.
pathetic, and then did some teambuilding execrise with ira, we cannot do it until, jacky,ben10 helped us THANKS GUYS! after that ruwei was like'wha my poncho red siah.' i was like'mine green' holly was like' mine yellow' and ruwei went'later we look like traffic light' lols hahha and we walked around and sang'traffic light! traffice light!'started my trek with ruwei behind me, and jack behind ruwei. ira was infront of me. so halfway. ruwei kena splinter, and we stopped until i got separated. forgot why, so i was infront of ben, and behind me was some sec 2 guy, we walk until tired. ben offered to help me carry my bag. but i reject,later he super tired, then i will feel guilty de.after that we walk so siao, some behind were like'curry sauce!' i fed up and screamed'free hair cut' until everyone was like NO LINK -_- heh!reached le, we had lunch and drank water from the river COOL! haha. after that trek again this time bravo infront, then i with joni and ruwei, then dunno what happen, joni behind us, and something happened, after that i trekked with huisi all the way until with byzura, and then change to ben again. i think or is it ruwei. then we stopped at a waterfall and take photo. then changed to bravo behind, and trek until i was the last few, with ben,jack and daniel. we crap during the wait and trek abit, until ben complained he hungry, and they ate oreo, talk until the smell drifted to me and syapiq, so he opened oreo and we ate it,while we are in the water. lol. my oreo almost dropped! amirah was like laughing.then trek until pants almost split. and we trek until i with ruwei le. dunno why. then after that we reached le! yay! and walked thru a chinese village and i was like' wha this perfume nice sia!' then sang 'thunder' until jack scolded us. reach le, took the water time for bath. bathed until shuang. and we had din din after that. THE MAKAN CHEER!lols. then the gala night, super fun! hahah umay imitated me! OI! haha.which was damn alike la! then after that sleep le. too tired
3rd DAY(20/11) last day:
woke up,cause i bunked with christine,ruth and rachel. they off all the lights. SCARY! then woke alifah up. after that assemble. then had breakfast.BANANA! i ate like 4 bananas for the whole trip. then we had our last water time, last minute christine asked me go play water, and we played la, with ray flirting with ruth, so cute siah! then took a shower. and we assemble with our stuffs. after that went fruit farm. sian!+ silly. the bunny so cute sia! hahah. then shop, at first i with christine and fina, then they went in dorothy perkins, so i join the person infront of me, jian,followed until his group left him, so joined me, and went to find our group, then after a few hiccups, we had din at 611pm hahah chiong food and me,ruwei and fina dashed to our meeting area. but then everyone havent come yet! EH! hah.then boarded the bus and ate disgusting bread with joni,amos,fina and jian and xtine i think. then we check passport and after that listened to ruth's ipod with her, i love her music. nice siah! then the rest dropped off at chaichee. while some of our seniors and peng,jack,ruth,amos and i forgot who else. we talked and talked. the last part was
WIlson: u all havent go through the custom yet!
ME:what! the horny costum(misprounce)
then he disturb me, got down and 'scolded' each other, until i was called'horny girl' lols meanie!
then took taxi home with jack,peng and amos. sleep damn shuang!
had OPEN HOUSE! lols. went to sch saw shana, so i sat and wait with her for channie. walked in to sch. i talked to jem abt my trip to kota tinggi(ABOVE u are most of the info le) then went lab get some stuff to show off haha. yeah so sat at the booth, the mention of SDMA makes me wanna punch someone. so ended up bad mood. all because of it. heni was tortured by my tantrums.oh then had lunch with icc ppl. brought up lunch for joni but he already ate after that blah blah, showed them attitude(SORRY GUYS) then talked to sc ppl, they nice la, jian force me massage him. while niki followed me up which i abandoned her for uno (SORRY DEAR)in the end i never play, only played one round. which was fun la. the icc booth damn abandon out of 4parents 1 parent only listened and came to the booth. hahha. heni crap alot and i back her up. after that end le! yay~ christine came over so did all the seniors, thanks for coming guys! and destroying our booth heh!changed le, then pack up and i ended up with christine,fina,jian,peng. peng called me indian and the rest follow ASS.then peng went home, left with them went to 3eb take book and throw at ms nur's table. oh yeah thanks to the dance for their chocolate! give me energy.hee. wait for joni for 2hours because of SDMA because of me SORRY! hee then went to astons with ern,fina,jian,xtine and joni, after din, ern went home first after using the toilet, and we went parkway. then went back to change. at 1130 we met at the airport, jian was there already, then me, we ventured and crap around, then met joni, then xtine. hahah then wait for the rest to come. ended up with ern, he was finding his family so i join him, the 2nd sis tot i was his gf -_- OI! lol then i told her i'm his 2nd mother. lol. then we walk around after sending, wait makan-ed with mr tan. lol then wonder around till 10am. went xtine's house to rot. then got chase out, wanted to go pool, but end up at snow ice. and went home to sleep, from 5pm to 10am lol hahha later going out again go find mummy(liwei)

Monday, November 10, 2008, 9:35 PM

aiyo horrible day, after they played dota, had din din with franky,junwei and ern,followed ern home and we laughed at junwei's spelling -_- then i took bus 28, kinda regret cause that bus will go all over tampines then finally my hse. so muttons companied me, YAY, but the songs okay la. finally reaching then joni called. eesh. after that been thinking alot of things, actually abt justus la, what guanan and hen told me, if he dun response that means he doesnt give a fuck?, i kena traumatise by them? and someone told me, that last time alot ppl like justus, then they sms him until he fed up and didnt really reply them(not sure if true) i super shocked and i screamed'wha he so fuck ah?' actually i realise all the stories abt justus just goes in a circle, and i dun even know if i really know him well thru all those stories. i just wan to cover my ears and scream my lungs out. and pray hard that when he sees me, i hope it gives him hell(idk.),maybe its because it gives me hell too.and everyone just dun really confide to me, just feel so fucking upset. that i cant be there for everyone. aiya, whatever la, btw this will be my last post and i will be quiet all the time. be in my own world? guess so. until i get enlighten or something like that heh. dunno la. fuck life *stuck a finger to the world*(familiar?)

4:44 PM



still at sch heees. with ern,junwei,za'im and franky (:,guanan just left. was bored so hunt photos. found this (above) haahahah convo with many ppl abt justus,


sss:wha the guy that u like not handsome,i more handsome.

I:*glares at eric then wack him*

there are many but this makes me hate sss alot. hahah

in the morning me and guanan rushed to buy cake for holly, then she keep rushing us we all =_=.

we chiong like siao but in the end got lost, all thanks to the avoidable directory.what an ass. finally found it and we took bus back, saw houses near shaun's we all were like o_O. after that we celebrate, me and guanan secretly played with the dry ice. then later me and jem kena caught for skipping phys lesson. WHA LAO. i din know alamak =_= but he forgave us. heng.then we left there cause tired, and hungry and ...(lots of excuses.) had lunch after walking around joo chiat,we decided to go parkway and saw gene talked talked and after that left, we settled down at ajisen.ate+laugh,then hunt for jailbunny, guanan says:aiya maybe he went jail.Burst out laughing. after that jailbunny appeared but he kena disturbed by that pervertic auntie. ewwwwwwww. we all were like:stupid auntie steal our jailbunny. then after laughing at weird unglam photos we found at the shop, we left, and on the way back saw amar and that 4n guy. it was like"rojak,rojak,rojak." i was damn irritated, cause i was thinking'which ass want to eat rojak ah?' then heni screamed'AMAR' *turns* oh chey! i tot what =_= ,then had some weird filming i kena dragged in while guanan and heni were laughing at me. criticise the woman(cause i damn angry le. anyhow dragged ppl) eesh. after that, went back to sch. now disturbing ern by finding an unglam photo of him. heh heh.

Saturday, November 8, 2008, 9:00 PM

back the SDMA thingy idk la, but dun worry i still love iCa,Hen,Sally,guanan and Jarah! hahah
but if u're still want then tell me(i keep repeating this =_=) kay back to today
woke up stare at the time then slept again i hate waking up early very tiring lehs!so dragged myself cause i knew if i dun do something i'll be late. so head to sch saw jiwon,ern and Sudhanshi. lol and i walked to get the video cam. and we slacked first tested out the video cam(joni helped me out the most THANKS JONI i owe u!)then after that Junwei shoo us down and Ern did it reluctantly cause he wanted to play Dota. lol after that we wait for them and sat down and talked(got separated) lol then we talked here and there and after the jap ppl performance we followed them, i didnt really took alot of videos but i did take,i only found one girl from eric's group super hyper she very cute la, and the solar thingy sucks, most of it cannot work cheat feeling. i started out at the field, then very warm la, so i went to the lab,so boring then the classroom where Weijian was and disturb him abit la after that met ern and we went AVA(eric's group there) and we just hang around intro ourselves to them and went to the e-lab slacked there after that took group photos of them and all. lunch time started after we followed Sudh's group and we hang around chatted with Jarah,she told us super funny stories abt the jap students we were laughing like hell, hahah she is damn cute in a mean way. >_< and he told guanan and sudh he dun like me i hate u Jeremy. but when we call him justus he responded WHOA.then after that took photos (forced to) and got gifts from the jap ppl THANKS (: i realise they understand English, u just have to speak to them slowly or write it out. then when they left we got some food for Ern and Jonathan, then realise Junwei didnt eat we went to take for him,then after looking at the Racial Harmony photos we started work on SDMA which failed la, the cam's fault, and i retake like siao(i'm a bad actress)=_=ll and joni told me not to say 'wha lao'but i so damn used to saying that word when i'm angry. eesh.finally done after Amos said the bin more attractive then me i stuck a finger at him.hahah. then i tot 6plus le so i asked them wanna go for din din? Sudh was like'har dinner? its only 2plus' stares at the time 'wha lao! cheat my feeling i tot evening le =_='then we planned to go for a cafe at parkway, stare at the menu, everyone like 'aiyo' then we left (in an embarrassing way), then went over to katong there near christine's hse. me,guanan,sudh,joni and ern went into some way shop and we had fondue YAY! hahah. then had snow ice(summerfrost)ern and sudh seems to like it oh well hahah. then sudh left first she got something on. and me and guanan board our bus and ern and joni followed us i was like'eh this is bus 14 what are u two doing here?' and both of them were like'i tot bus 10' and then guanan 'bus 14!' and then 'u wrong la its bus 10' then dunno how it jumped to 'bus 12' they say until so real i got trick(darn it i too dense le.) after that they(joni and ern) got off at sch,and we saw them checking the main gate, i was like'sure lock one', then me and guanan went to see, 'wha really lock ahahha poor things' then we talked abt abit and guanan got off and off to home, watched okto then bathe then watched again lol suppose to go church aiya =_= nowadays i not very pious as before le.=_=
i found this web the works are nice see kay?

12:07 AM


Friday, November 7, 2008, 9:24 PM
are we really happy?

today was pretty rough,
it started okay when me and guan nan discussed abt the thing and talking to my two dear ppl, zheng jie and zhang hao on the way to sch i met jiwon and listened to 987fm.
Then talked here talked there and Mrs ng offered us breakfast, which was nice of her, but mine kena stolen by guan nan nvm then, went esso with heni and we talk all the way back after that settle down and tried to discuss but i guess the plan was agreed then we told iCa and holly abt it pretty hyper then, after that i suggested the filming part but everyone like ditch me, i damn pissed off la, then so angry that i couldnt eat so then i was like forget it la, just stay with christine and niki lor, i told them what happen and yeah they kinda listened which made me very grateful and the stories that christine told me and niki too, lightens me up.then we watched 4bia for awhile after that niki had to go, so dump the lappy back and i sent her off at the bus stop and went back to emo in sch cause i rmbred that we must wait for johnny, so wait and listen to my seniors convo.i really dun feel like saying anything just sit that quietly and listened,Christine says Justus dun like me, then i whined at syapiq, then he asked me whether christine knows him more or him himself. i was like idk =_=ll then finally joni ended and we got a lift by mr hiu actually he going somewhere else but he just sent us to katong for summerfrost THANKS MR HIU! joni brought me to christine's house and i was like'wha! i thought its a shop!' and we wait and went summerfrost together after that we sent her back and saw two panties on the balcony(beside christine's house), then wait for bus until joni's one came first then mine,sat until school there and saw junwei and mdm beehua! i shocked and we talked abt np life, which was alright and i would like to thank them for their encouragement and listening to my troubles (:yeah i owe certain ppl my apologies for showing my anger to u all and ppl for thanks for being there, its a blessing i appreciate it, and maybe i should give myself more positive thoughts.
anyway come to think of it, to the SDMA grp members, if u all dun wan to do it then its okay la, dun wanna force u all and make u all feel so unhappy, if i did any wrong then my apologies.
well CF ppl: give me time,all i need is that.
and Justus: i'm sorry for my stupid-ness =_=
actually come to think of it i heard this on the radio that one-sided love dun gets u nowhere and it will cut a deep wound in ur heart

Thursday, November 6, 2008, 7:56 PM

hi hi,
back from the field trip (:
it was F-U-N!! (:
i tot i was late so took 222 and ran to sch,run until i saw weikiat and we talked and walked to sch.
rush there the cam was passed to me and we assembled.after that.filled in the form kinda anyhow rite cause i know they wont see lor, after that we rode on the bus and me and Jem plugged in our earphones to drown ourselves with the 987 djs(we're lameos:))then then talked abt the DJs and we ended up in a hawker centre for breakfast me and jem tried the dolly pau, nice! (: after that we learnt abt pineapples, i still hate them hahah. and the teachers so kaisu tabao the pineapples, after that we went for some durian farm, but couldn't try the durians cause the seasons haven't come yet(dec and june)the cher says' dragon fruit is the best fruit to go on diet with.' meaning ur breakfast,lunch and dinner is dragon fruit(BETTER READ THIS JACKSON)hahah then we went for the fishing farm i love that part, saw a jellyfish and a dead fish =_=then we saw snakehead,Archer the guide is a funny teenager as he said'if the oyster have pearl in it everyone will become rich!'(in Chinese and a sarcastic way), then had lunch,at the table there no mood =_=(idk why)then i joined to fina's group eat until shuang. then des gave me her bun (idk why)aiyo until now havent eaten it yet sorry DES! =_=ll after that we went for the loyal museum, and ms hafizah says thats her palace and i sigh and discouraged her by saying'teacher, seriously stop lying to urself' and the souvenir was a plasticbag where we put our shoes in. lol after that took weird photos together with jem and holly. then bus back i chatted with yuichi,azhar and dewei it was fun! and on the way back weijian,holly and ruwei so funny! i heart them lots XDD end of day went back home with Guan nan and jackson.
OH man promised to conference with wyn but i too tired.nvm.
anyway i found this on my email its says:WHY CHINESE PPL SHOULD NOT HAVE ENGLISH NAMES
Confusing Chinese Names
Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan (anyone)?
Operator : Yes, you can speak to me.
Caller : No, I want to speak to Annie Wan (anyone)!
Operator : You are talking to someone! Who is this?
Caller : I'm Sam Wan (Someone). And I need to talk to Annie Wan (anyone)! It's urgent.
Operator : I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?
Caller : Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan (anyone) that our brother Noel Wan (no one)has involved in an accident. Noel Wan (no one)got injured and now Noel Wan (no one) is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan (everyone) is on his way to the hospital.
Operator : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgen t matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!
Caller : You are so rude! Who are you?
Operator : I'm Saw Lee (Sorry).
Caller : Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!!======================================================
This is hilarious ...Why Chinese shouldn't have Christian names:
Anne Chang => Dirty (Mandarin)
Anne Chin => Keep Quiet (Mandarin)
Faye Chen => Dusty (Mandarin)
Carl Cheng => Buttock (Hokkien)
Monica Cheng => Touching your buttocks (Hokkien)
Lucy Leow => You are dead (Hokkien)
Jane Tan => Frying eggs (Mandarin)
Suzie Leow => Lose till death (Hokkien)
Henry Mah => Hate your mum (Mandarin)
Corrine Tai => Poor fellow (Hokkien)
Paul Chan => Bankrupt (Mandarin)
Nelson Tan => Bird laying eggs (Mandarin)
Leslie Tong => Rubbish Bin (Mandarin)
Carmen Teng => Leg hair long (Hokkien)
Connie Mah => Call your mother (Cantonese)
Danny See => Squeeze you to death (Hokkien)
Rosie Teng => Screws and nails (Hokkien)
Pete Tsai => Nose droppings (Hokkien)
Macy Koh => Never die before (Cantonese)
hope u all laugh until ur teeth drops out (:
oh my emo part:
i'm fed up with this family games its hurting everyone. FUCK IT!
TMR BE IN SCH BY 11AM CAN? love you all (:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 9:08 PM
1 thing 2 do 4 you 3 things

hmm.. today was okay ba, went sch late, and had chem first it was alright i guess learned abt oxides. then had recess, looking at pics :),after that wei kiat came in and we talked for a while and i decide to went down go talkie to ppl.saw joni and daddy, i was like 0_0 then joni asked' 7 nov is 7-11's birthday.' i was like'JOHNNNYY!' then idk why holly was running on the track but me and guanan chased after her.then then then we we we we went for class which was alright i guess..had geog and ss. i told ms kong i feel that singapore has racial conflict but it isnt that major just a small minor thingy i guess.but it was fun i guess, then we went lab to find our parents which abandoned us, but in the end we erm,went daddy's hse then separated from them at bedok inter. HAPPY 3RD MONTH ANNI! MUMMY AND DADDY! :)dun give birth anymore ah...
PRODUCTION PPL can u all make it this friday?7th nov? do tag/msn/sms/e-mail lol. so if possible we meet on friday 7th nov, sch? or what? but i suggest sch ba. then we start at 1pm kay?

12:26 AM

back and happy?
not really tired, but tmr got sch darn it.but last day of the whole preparatory class so i'm happy :) i guess? oh well, HOLLY dun sad la. it'll tide over

Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 10:13 PM

:D aiya,
what we do ah...=_=
oh had that infocom party,
what to say, dark clouds start to form above my head when i heard junwei and that 'mr cool' going. then tahan. go there, that 'mr cool' guy talk until all the saliva splash at my face, damn suey(NO ONE WARNED ME!)darn them(to Jarah:be glad u didnt came =_=)then slack outside until we're finally allowed in, ventured at the 2nd floor but too pack so fed up and went down,we did the sms thingy and i rmbred the number i think 8111103 rite?dunno la. then found sv ppl yikwai,kelvin,vian,gene,ian,thendral,zigui(a.k.a handsome)and benji,gary, simin and Geraldine erm erm cannot rmbr the rest le sorry. =_= then then the lucky draw my number 0250,but he called out 0251 wtf.cheat feeling, i realise the probability of it is 30%hahha. kay then then then then then... we went vivo, loiter around challenger and after pushing them damn long, we finally makan, and i stared into space and muttered very tired someone please slap me.' then heni really slap. wha i really woke up, then i was like slap another side make sure correct ah' she slap until not accurate but thanks hen, it really revived me.then ern played with the ikan bilis(idk how he does it) and Ruwei and Holly, went off first hope ruwei is feeling better.then we went candy empire explore here and there, after that went Daiso and when to the park there to slack, me and guanan dipped our feets into the water and soon i realise it was infested with weird i got off quickly, and ern scratched me till it bleed, lol damn u ERN and ur stupid self-defences! then played truth and dare which felt weird, but oh well.Emo home.
TODAY(4th NOv):
had English, shocked to see so little ppl. sat beside guannie. didnt really laugh this time too tired to. then recess(suddenly very energise)saw joni and talk to him half-way then holly told me who she likes, and i screamed and shouted cause i claim that he's mine. but i'm jking, HOllY,u can have him :) i got mine own.then crazy and went for a-maths pretty boring but okay la.then went down saw azmi,mummy,daddy,des and shannie. then went to sent pics to nigel(idk why he wants it) and Franky offered me chocolates and i discovered that the com lab got ants eww.ran out. hahaha then went bball court and watch them filmed disturbed them and ran off, came back and talked to holly and joni, thanks jon for being my muse. then went to that waffle place and i thought of Gary! Gelare rite? wanted to eat but aiyo, my eyes cannot see the fed up lor. then went back sch sat with joni at the bus stop until his bus came, saw 14 coming i ponder on,whether to take or wait for liwei, then i just wait for mummy lor. after that sat there and read JUICE(i found it in Gelare) while ern and jackson play bball(id understand what they were saying haha) after that saw mummy ripping things off the board and joined her, they made the board until it looks like hari raye(according to jackson), after that mummy suggested parkway despite her gastric(proud of my strong ma :)) ern tot that she was so strong that if a car were to hit her it will end up exploding while mummy smiles away. lol then walked around, jailbunny went missing after that sent mummy to her bus stop and waits for her bus. Ern left us at parkway and crossed over to roxy and bus came yay. went home stare at tv,bathe, eat, laugh, bullying benson now. wahahah. i helping JArah! heh!
ppl in the productions:
and Jarah.
ppl in the scenes:
and yesh thats it. for the ppl in productions pls meet in sch on the 10th nov,1PM. for a planning meeting and use this week to think of ur plans then we mix it all up kay?erm erm PPL WHO WANNA JOIN IN DO TAG AND LEAVE UR NAME BEHIND,THANKS ur participation will be greatly appreciated.

Monday, November 3, 2008, 9:31 PM

back from the iDa party.
what to say. boring+horrible.took pics with that daniel guy yar yar..and lazy to type and too depressed to. maybe i will write it some other day.

Sunday, November 2, 2008, 6:15 PM

yesterday we met a mummy. he damn cute! i went up to him and screamed'MUMMY! I MISS U!'he stares at me and walks away. i was like O.oll, then we all took a pic with him, and i lose to him in the staring game. AND of all *drum roll* i hugged him..AWwww.(must ask him twice). i heart the mummy lots.

12:55 AM

THE shuffling grim reaper!

JOKER the clown. hahah we tried to follow his pose.
THE MUMMY>< ! i love him lots lots XD

12:39 AM

back from ESCAPE THEME PARK! hahah.
It was fun:
met Guanan at 6pm then we took 17 to downtown east and walked to escape there,
after that we got stopped by some guy but we dunno what the hell he was saying so couldnt be bothered,then wait for regean,sally,tony and jackson to pop out, and also for holly and ruwei to come, finally they came hahah then we went haunted first? scream and sang our sch song.. while queuing, i said hello to some random guy and a hand pop out of nowhere and the guy turns to a girl:'dun disturb her leh, she scared' and they laugh,Freaky ppl. oh well. then we went in scold the ghost(only one)i scold him saying'eh u touch my bag u owe me one dollar'(i know i'm a cheapskate woman XD) then then we played inverter.all of us scared the ppl's saliva drop on us.hahha but fun la crap here crap there finally can play le, then we shouted 'SUZIE' and then 'ONE DOLLAR' all the way to seven dollars, and i waved but no one did, oh while waiting me and holly waved at one guy and we all screamed for him, and the operator helped pick up slippers for a girl. and we all called him a hero and clapped and ruwei said'later if i drop anything u pick up ah?' and jackson said'u drop then he will try to catch u' we laugh and laugh.after that we..hmm.. oh we saw afiq(i guess its spelt this way)and we went to the boat thingy, and saw a little boy dressed in pumpkin so damn cute.and we spray each other with water and all. then had din din together. and met nitipat and eric? disturb all the ghosts and demons. I LOVE THE MUMMY AND THE GRIM REAPER, he shuffled infront of us. cool.
pics will be posted soon XD

Saturday, November 1, 2008, 3:11 PM

"I'll give u my paper heart,
u can dump it in the toilet bowl or in ur coffee,
u can rip it apart or cut it with scissors,
i'll keep giving u my paperheart,
in hope that one day u will take care of it.
cause i know i am a dense little girl.(:"

1:40 PM

backo. Sorry holly, ruwei and guanan abt yesterday very sorry =.=
anyway, erm. erm.
in the morning had Physics pract. had heating experiment,after that had recess and then skipped MT because of infocom, we did weird stuffs, then after that sang'i'm yours-jason mraz' with ruwei,holly and bianda! saw jackson and he slacked with us? hahah oh i saw Ern's mum, lol. then while waiting for ma: daddy,jarah,guanan,ronaldCHUA and niki, talk abt 'i'm arriving' then suddenly niki sang'u can pour ur rain on me Obama..Obama.' we all were like O_O that was pretty random and jem asked everyone how do chickens' mate. we all =.= then Jarah told us that she watched a video of a snake puking out a hippo,me and guanan said'eww, u so scary watch this kind of video!' then she laughed, aiyo! and it reminds me of a Giraffe giving birth. so then mummy finally pop out of nowhere? oh wait before that we sang the chocolate rain thingy. RANDOM-NESS XD.and Guanan whispered'justus' and i shouted'WHERE?' even some ppl shouted'WHO?' i think it was niki. and Guanan scolded us cause we were too loud =.= after that marmee appeared YAY! and she rushed us to go makan oh before that(again) i accidently broke daddy's bag and Niki broke the strap. SORRY DADDY=.= okay back to the mama, she came and hurry us, then while walking, i wanted to hug Ernnie(again)(oh to Jem: i'm not stealing ur ern hahah.) but lazy to, aiyo,then we all went to daddy's hse first? then this lazy parents took a bus to parkway,and they went banquet(guanan thinks its called buffet) then after that went to see Jailbunny, his hair change colour =.= while walking back we saw iCa! and we ask her to join us for summer frost, hee. and she agreed. lol after that we waved 'bye' to ronald. and had summer frost and took bus home saw Regean. and we went mummy's hse? and play play sing sing. then went back home.


Hi, i'm Danah and i am minute, so tall people always squishes me, darn them!



Layout: Yeling

Hollie wollie
Bana #1
Niki wiki!
ERNNIE(my boy-boy)
JErEmY! the smallie
Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend


  1. July 2008
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