Sunday, December 28, 2008, 9:52 PM

back from KL. i feel like following fina to KL next year and go see the church ppl again i kinda miss them hee.
oh it was great!
just felt angry on the last day which was today,
whatever i do kena scolding. i damn freaking sian i'm kept controlling myself. felt like shouting back. retaining in all those shits. thought alot. i'm starting to hate myself. and hate being mocked at for my faith. whats up with you people. damn. i'm really pissed la. and i fake too much smiles. cause i'm seriously fed up. shit la. stop tormenting la. darn i hate myself. i hate what i'm becoming to. well yet another emo post.
or i'm just a paranoid bastard. whatever.

Friday, December 19, 2008, 10:30 PM

i know, my blog pretty much sucks right, no more stories about justus and my life, life sucks, even looking at different angle, makes it suck even more. lols. had lots of laughter today thanks to jem and niki.
my road home was inspiring, hearing bballers talk about every crucial moments they had. it sounds so alluring, the way their simple stories suck u in, as if you're experiencing their special moments.
back home read a book, it brings me to understanding life the way the author himself sees it. the day kinda crushed me, i feel like an abandoned tissue paper(somewhat from jem's post long long ago) its kinda random, but it aches me, all over, this holiday feels senseless, i feel mess up, and this post is kinda emo. i remembered talking to daddy, claiming death as if death was a husband to me, death seems easy, but the road to it isnt, and so is the road after it. all this crazy thoughts circling my mind, puts me in a sick trance, as if in a teacup going round and round. Dont really looked forward to the new year , never sms-ed heni le, idk why. i feel so ashamed of what i am, what i became and what i did. i hate this, this whole episode. the series of it increases. i need someone who is willing to save others, and not kill bad guys only.

Monday, December 8, 2008, 12:58 PM

sorry for the late blogging!
5th dec:
chatted with holly all the way and then alittle with faiz and holly, when faiz online holly not online so yeah chat chat like siao hahah gotten closer with hollie and faiz hahah
6th dec(Saturday):
went escape theme park with with mummy and daddy,guanan,joni and and and christine, and and wj, aiyo woke up late and and went there i tot they inside the park le so went in but turns out they just arrive and stuff so so i found them and we played haunted first, no human ghost not fun and and joni kept blocking me cannot see well -_- and then went mad go here and there and me and mummy didnt know how to play go-karts hahah but in the end had fun, didnt went chunkfest but my sisters went lols. hahah so yeah, met jackson and chen hong and zhang hao! hahah lols. and and zi yao played almost everything in escape then went home alone lols.
7th dec(SUNDAY): erm erm helped out my mum then went zg's church, which is corner stone, so yeah they had praise and worship and met alot of nice ppl. sms-ed heni all the way, and met ern and his mum and his sis. i forgot how his mum look like, didnt know she was waving at me pai sei -_- met my kor's friend lols. so yeah talked with zg's cell ppl then went home, saw that old man who fought with ern lols. and sms-ed heni, that indo girl hahah xDD oh and and happy HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JACKSON! heehee then slept at 8 or 9 pm damn tired la hees.
8th dec(monday):
did nothing, weather so freaking cold. sms heni again hahah. sms heaven? gonna reply to all my tags and link byzura i forgot to link her -_- sorry byzura! lols. kk kk take care everyone! (:

Thursday, December 4, 2008, 6:55 PM

first test and its abt ur personality, well duh. so here it is:
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.
the web is

6:39 PM

this few days pretty boring.
lets see. erm erm 2nd Dec:
was was chatting and watching vids. i guess, from the web joni introduced.
3rd dec:
had had something on, couldnt attend the sp course -_-
and i tot ruwei and guanan went, turns out they didnt. aiyoh. we three the best slackers ever! haha
chatting with remus,holly,faiz and joni, those three(remus,holly,faiz) sit beside each other,and disturb me in msn. but it was fun chatting with them, watched videos. the END of yesterday
TADA~ i slacked, didnt really went out haahaahaa. -_- lols lols.
pretty boring eh.HAHA yeah guess so. dunno what everyone is doing. lols. hmm.
NOTHING to say. so bye bye (: i'm mad.hey! maybe i can do some personality test thingy. shall go search and later i go post it up kays?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 11:33 PM

TO my readers, this will kinda bore u. so if u wanna read go ahead (:

1. who's the person who tagged you?

2. Relationship between you and him?
HE's my beloved 'father'(:

3. 5 impressions?
eh? on me or on him? my impressions of him are friendly,happy,caring,funny and loving hees.

4. if he becomes your enemy, you will?
I will erm, i dunno, lose someone great?(sounds like he is dead -_-)

5. what will you say to the person you like very much?

Thanks for being there for me and encouraging me (:

6. characteristics i like about myself?

being hyper or maybe being crazy?

7. characteristics i hate about myself?

annoying and childish

8. for the person whom you hate, you say?
sup? i dun hate anyone.

9. what do people feel about you?
i dunno. u ask them urself

10. your crush?
i dunno too. hee u ask him urself. u ass!

11. most ideal person you wanna be?
Erm mr bean! darn i forgot his real name.

12. Pass this to 10 people.

1) Ern
2) Holly
3) jem
4) Jue Ying
5) Ru wei
6) Wei Kiat
7) Junwei
8) Jannah
9) Bella
10) Bri

13. if 5 & 7 were together?
Eww! She will be choked by his odour -_-

14. who does 5 like?
Raping me (:

15. what colour does 9 like?
i dunno. PINK?

16. say something to 8.
i miss u sayang and ur ideas and stuffs.

17. who is 2?
The Egypt Queen

18. talk about 3.

Fun to be with, pretty straight forward. reminds me of Pink, like a rock star?

19. who is 10's best friend?
Aww geez, i forgot her name

20. who's the sexiest among all 10?
i must say EVERYONE (:

21. what colour does 4 like?
Black,white and blue?(just a guess)

22. is 4 single?
Yeah. why ask so much?

23. yr relationship with 1?
my one and only son hee. unless i grow up and get married -_-

24. are 5 & 6 best friends?
Not really, but they're friends.

25. 9's surname?
Isa? haha ><

26. 7's nickname?
The maid.

27. say something to 4.
10 years later lets go US kay? hee

28. say something to help 10?
Sup woman! Don't give up on anything.

29. who does 1 admire?
Me of course! just kidding. cant say u Kpo freak

30. where does 1 live?
Tampines!!(: why? you want to stalk him?

31. 10 of them know who you like?
Yeah but that was the past.

32. say something to 6 when you see him?

33. 10's spouse?
i dunno. Thats it?

1:11 PM
2 dec

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANA (: hees hope you had a great day! take care! lols (:
ANd take care heni! will miss u hahha!

back to 29th nov(SATURDAY):
RUWEI's birthday! hee. went tm to watch movie and celebrate her birthday, we watched "city of ember", the char dune damn cute siah! hees. then holly predicted something in the movie,jackson did many poses,that made me laugh hahha. oh ppl that went:ME,junwei,jackson,ruwei,richard,guanan,holly,troy,jem and hui si. then then me,troy and junwei went to jem's church, i wanted to rush back to mine, but too late. so i met up with eric and we went to walk around and ate snow ice. yay! hahah after went home with my sis, saw her at roxy there. lols.
30th nov(SUNDAY):
sv gathering hehe. i predicted that this day was gonna be bleak. and really it rained
-_- so yeah met up with joni first,then heni and tash. and and then sy. we walked to pit 22 then went mac to see ASHOK! our beloved mother who still grounds us.-_-ll then is urgent matter was going to his son's house. WHAT siah -_-ll after that we went back to pit 22 on the way back met Ian we pretended that we dun know him. heh. then we gather talked here talked there. mr tan came! whoa, told us nc16 jokes. hahah then we all went home. went to the bus stop with gary,zg and joni. might b going to zg's church for celebration or something like that. so the day wasnt that bad afterall haha.
1st dec(monday+yesterday):
woke up freaking early 6am.then went to meet icc ppl at tanah merah. i just closed my eyes and walk. anyhow wear. ended up with slippers and they screamed at me.'DANAH cannot wear slippers!' and they put plaster on my leg to help me, if we got caught. funny. went in sp. realise the students there got wear slippers, so i was like chey! then walk to some foodcourt and had breakfast. which was okay bah, then we got lost and while walking saw someone waving and i shouted"WHO ARE YOU?" and i forgot hu laughed when i asked that holly said that person was faiz, oops. cannot see mah! hee then course damn boring, verbally fought with remus, irritating ern stealer! hahah jem wanted to join in. lols holly was chatting, and i wanted to type,'danah misses u' she said no and we laughed then faiz asked why =_=ll after that the course ended holly kinda emo-ed. (i think i know why hees)guanan suggested taking 14! wha i tell u! 1hr and 30 mins to reach katong. hen sms me to go meet her, so took all the way till roxy sq there, and when i alighted saw christine running towards me i was like O_O! then when she hugged me, two guys walked and muttered'wha hug me also leh' wtf? then turned and saw joni, and heni. lol suppose to find jailbunny but ended up at hanabi with xtine and joni. we eat like siao and joni ordered some sushi, almost murdered him. hahah. too full le. so then sent xtine home, and we went home, joni took 14 with me all the way till wyn's hse. lol.then after that went home bathed slept.


Hi, i'm Danah and i am minute, so tall people always squishes me, darn them!



Layout: Yeling

Hollie wollie
Bana #1
Niki wiki!
ERNNIE(my boy-boy)
JErEmY! the smallie
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  1. July 2008
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